DRMC Residents Get Hands-on Experience In Averett’s Simulation Lab

Posted on August 21st, 2014 by Averett

By Whitney Delbridge 

Danville, VA – Averett University’s medical simulation lab had some intense moments Tuesday as Danville Regional Medical Center residents worked to save a patient’s life.

Not a real patient, though. It was a drill, using one of their state of the art simulator mannequins.

DRMC partnered with Averett and the Danville Life Saving crew to stage a mock rapid response drill.

Inside, our crews met Mr. Smith, the simulation mannequin, and he was not having a very good day.

“He passed out in church and they wanted to bring him in for evaluation, ” yelled one of the simulation participants, but the DRMC residents were there to help.

These drills are much like the real thing – with participants playing the roles of doctors, nurses, even family members.

“You’re just a little bit more confident when you are able to go into the patient’s rooms and you are able to have better outcomes the more prepared you are, so it’s great that we have this opportunity, ” said resident Shatia Edwards.

Edwards says there is nothing like hands-on experience – especially with a simulator mannequin that breathes, blinks, and talks.

They spent the day taking vital signs, ordering EKG’s and sending shocks to the patient’s heart.

At the end, the residents are debriefed by the Danville Life Saving Crew – who share their knowledge of medical emergency protocol with the soon-to-be doctors.

Within just a few minutes, they’re at it again in another training scenario.

Though this wasn’t the real thing, the residents are glad to know their patient will live to see another day.

Source: http://www.wset.com/story/26085050/drmc-residents-get-hands-on-experience-in-averetts-simulation-lab 
