Averett CoffeeBreak 5-15-19

Posted on May 15th, 2019 by Danielle Staub

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this formFor the next CoffeeBreak, please submit by Friday, May 17, for a Wednesday, May 22, publication.

Dear Averett Family,

In light of the recent tragic shooting at UNC-Charlotte, I have reached out to their Chancellor on behalf of all of Averett, and wanted you to see the letter that was sent last week. Click here to read the letter.

I am grateful for each of you, and as I say in my letter, it is in times like these when we can take a moment to re-focus on what is most important – people. Thank you for what you do for our students and for our fellow faculty and staff members.


Staff Meeting and the Golden Bagel Award

The May Staff Meeting will take place tomorrow, May 16, at 11:15 a.m. Please join us to learn about the different updates, camps and programs happening throughout the summer here at Averett.

Staff Council is always looking for nominations for the Golden Bagel award! If your co-worker has gone above and beyond in the last month, we want to know why we should celebrate them! Nominations can be emailed to [email protected].

May: Mental Health Awareness Month

There is a link between gut health and mental health according to Susan McQuillan, MS, RDN, CDN. Anything that causes an imbalance between healthy and harmful gut bacteria causes an inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, which results in further health implications in your brain.

McQuillan suggests that a diet balanced with probiotics and prebiotics can restore stability in your stomach and support your mental health. To read more about which foods can aid your mental health, click here.

Housekeeping Transitions to Summer Schedule

The Budd Group’s housekeeping unit has transitioned to its summer schedule to be able to focus on deep cleaning residence halls and attacking key annual projects across campus.

This means that there will be reduced frequency of general cleaning in administrative, faculty and classroom spaces. Please be assured that trash removal and bathroom cleaning will remain on its current schedule but tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, etc. will be occurring less frequently.

That being said, if you have an issue that needs to be addressed, please be sure to enter a maintenance request and either Maintenance or Housekeeping will ensure it is taken care of quickly for you!

Fourth of July Holiday plus One…

Hear ye! Hear ye! Good news! According to the Town Crier,  so everyone can have more time to enjoy their July 4 holiday with family and friends, Friday, July 5, this year will be a paid holiday for full-time staff. So enjoy the extra-long weekend and if you would like to brush up on your American history, click here!

Be safe and enjoy the holiday festivities!  To check out all the local Fourth of July activities, click here.


Averett University’s new 403(b) retirement plan contract is now open!

Here’s the recap of important retirement plan changes and next steps for you to take:
• You are now able to make investment selections for the new retirement plan contract that began receiving contributions with the March 15, payroll.

This can be done by:
o Accessing your account online at www.tiaa.org/averett.
o Calling TIAA at (800) 842-2252.

If you’ve retained Millennium to professionally manage your account(s), they will be making these selections for you based on your personal financial plan and no action is required by you.

If you do NOT make selections from the new investment menu, all contributions, starting March 15, on will be directed to a like-kind investment option in the new retirement plan, if available. If there is not a like-kind fund available, funds will be directed to an age-appropriate target date fund. Full details are available in the transfer chart in the Transition Guide.

• You have the option of transferring the annuity assets in your former Averett retirement contract into your new contract to take advantage of the new investment options available.  Money can be moved from your former contract into your new contract by:
o Calling TIAA at (800) 842-2252 and requesting a “cross contract transfer” from the former Averett retirement plan contract into the new Averett contract.

If you’ve retained Millennium to manage your account(s), they will take any necessary actions based on your personal financial plan and no action is required by you.

• Assets in the former retirement plan mutual funds have already mapped into the new Averett 403(b) MEP retirement plan contract. Unless you selected other investment options from the new investment menu, these funds have mapped into a like-kind investment option or a target-date fund if there was not a like-kind investment available.

• Assets in the former retirement plan annuity contracts will remain in those accounts unless you move them, and allocation changes can still be made among the investment options available there. However, no further contributions will be made into the former contract.

• Help is available!
o You can contact Millennium Advisory Services at (877) 435-2489 to speak with a client services representative or to schedule an appointment with an advisor to get help with:
o Questions about the retirement plan changes.
o Understanding the new investment options.
o Going through Millennium’s financial planning process offered to all employees.
o Retaining Millennium for the Managed Account Solution.
o TIAA is also available by phone at (800) 842-2252

Click here for the full PDF.

Thank you

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the texts, cards, flowers and other acts of kindness shown to me during the time of my mother’s passing. I truly feel blessed to work with such a caring group of people. Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated and will always be remembered. Once again, thank you everyone for your support during this difficult time.

Celia Wilkerson


GPS Student Spotlight

Meet Susan Shea Stimeling, a student pursuing her Master of Education in administration and supervision degree, expected to graduate in 2019. To read more about Susan on the GPS blog, click here.

Why did you choose Averett’s GPS program? 

“I chose Averett University for its superior offerings in an on-line format. My degree will allow me to work and excel in the continually advancing and evolving educational workforce. I hope to later continue my studies in a doctoral program in education.”
