Averett CoffeeBreak 3-24-21

Posted on March 24th, 2021 by Matt Bell

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form. For the next CoffeeBreak, please submit by Friday, March 26, for a Wednesday, March 31, publication.

Volunteer Opportunity: COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

Our next COVID-19 vaccination clinic is set for Friday, April 2, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Gretna inside the former Food Land building located at 301 North Main Street. It will continue through the whole month of April. We need you – our dedicated volunteers – to make this possible.

To gauge how many volunteers we can count on and learn what the gaps may be, please complete this very short survey.

Thank you as always!
Billy Wooten

Vaccines Continue to be Available

COVID-19 vaccination shots continue to be available Monday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the old JC Penney building in the Danville Mall. All Averett students, faculty and staff (18 and over) are now eligible to register for the vaccine, which is free of charge. Walk-ins are accepted.

Currently, the Moderna two-dose vaccine is being used, and all patients will be scheduled to receive their second dose 30 days after they receive their first dose. You will be registered on-site to receive your second dose.

We strongly urge our Averett family to consider visiting vaccinate.Virginia.gov to get into the system. VDEM will pull all names from this portal. Anyone lacking access to technology can call 877-VAX-IN-VA to register. A photo ID is required at the vaccination site.



Search for VP for Student Engagement and Senior Student Experience Officer

Dear Averett Community,

The search process is underway for our Vice President for Student Engagement and Senior Student Experience Officer. As you will see from the position announcement which can be found here, the newly designed position is focused on enhancing the total student experience for all students, traditional and online, particularly as it impacts student learning outside the classroom.

Much appreciation to members of the Search Committee which will be led by Dr. Carly Pearce. Serving alongside her will be: Holly Kilby, Dr. Melanie Lewis, Dr. Marc Muneal, Emma Olsson, Dr. Jenny Wagstaff, Tia Yancey and a student to be named.

Given this position has been shaped in new ways, we will provide a list of potential questions and answers in an upcoming issue of CoffeeBreak. Finally, the Search Committee and I greatly value your input into the attributes most desired in this position and we will send a short survey link soon.

We will keep the campus updated as the search process progresses.

Sincerely yours,

Upcoming Tree Removals

In order to keep our community safe, we must remove three dead trees from Main Campus over the coming days and weeks. While a beautiful part of campus grounds, the trees have become unhealthy and are deteriorating and removal has been recommended by our arborist/landscape architect as a matter of safety.

There is a dead pine next to the Violet T. Frith Fine Arts Center, an oak at the Commons Apartments and an oak at Alumni Hall that will be removed in that order. While no impacts on roads and traffic are expected, there may be times when parking will be affected, so watch for any updates here and via LiveSafe.

We are working to identify replacement trees and a timeline to plant them in the near future.

New Employee Orientation (NEO)

Spring NEO will be held Thursday, March 25, from 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Frith Fine Arts Center. We are so excited for our newer employees to join us tomorrow! Call or email Kathie Tune with questions at 434-791-7106.





Women’s History Month: TRUTH Talk

In honor of Women’s History Month, you’re invited take part in an upcoming TRUTH Talk: From History to Her-Story, Women in Leadership with LaShawn Farmer, on Monday, March 29, at 6 p.m. Register now by clicking here. Click the flyer at left to learn more.







Your Input is Needed: Campus Climate Survey

Dear Averett Family,

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Task Force is in the midst of a Campus Climate Survey scheduled to close on March 31. We want to hear from as many of you as possible, as this feedback will drive our areas of focus and where improvement is needed the most.

I can’t stress enough how important your input is to helping us be our very best for one another. Diversity is one of our greatest strengths, and inclusive excellence is foundational. This Task Force has been charged with ensuring Averett is a community of belonging, and we need participation from our full campus community – students, faculty and staff.

The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous and will be compiled by an objective third party researcher which will share a final report.

Please click on the link here to access the survey.

Thank you in advance for contributing to this important work, and much appreciation to the DEI Task Force for shepherding this effort.

Dr. Tiffany Franks

Updated Preventive Drug List for Health Plan Participants

The Averett University Health Plan has received an updated preventive prescription list published by IngenioRx, effective April 1. Participants whose medications have been removed from the list have been notified by mail by IngenioRx to work with their prescribing physicians to find suitable alternatives.

No additional preventive list updates are expected until July 1.

The new list is available here and on the Averett University intranet by clicking here.

Save the Date: Focus on the Future Town Hall

On Tuesday, April 6, we will hold a joint virtual “Focus on the Future” town hall meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for all faculty and staff to discuss the Bigger Dreams, Bolder Futures Averett 2025 Strategic Plan. Stay tuned for registration information for this exciting campus update.

Outstanding Faculty and Staff Award Nominations

The time has come to nominate your fellow Averett faculty and staff members for their impactful work over the last year and course of their career! Nominations for the outstanding faculty and staff award are currently being accepted, and must be submitted by Monday, April 19, at 4:30 p.m.

The first form, available by clicking here, is a list of the criteria each nominee must meet to be eligible for nomination. Please note you can nominate one faculty member and one staff member.

The second form, available by clicking here, is a link to the nomination form that will be submitted to the nominations committee. All completed forms or questions can be emailed by clicking here.

Apply Now for the Bustard Award

Applications for the Elizabeth and James Bustard Distinguished Award For Graduate Study are now available. Those students who are interested in applying for this scholarship may do so by emailing Mary Sullivan in Dr. Fulop’s office for an application. The deadline for applications is Thursday, April 22, by noon.

Input Opportunity for Averett 2025 Project!

As part of the Averett 2025 plan, in the Enrollment Growth and Visibility Imperative, as part of Student Stakeholders, in support of growing Averett’s Traditional enrollment to 1100, there is a great project that needs your input!

Project: Create processes to message the Averett value propositions in unexpected ways to dramatically increase the admissions funnel!

What is an admissions funnel you ask? It is the breakdown of prospective student stages as they move through the enrollment process at a university. Our main focus is starting at the top of the funnel by thinking of new ideas to gain interest from perspective students.

If you have ideas that you think will spark interest from students and parents to inquire about Averett University, please share your thoughts by filling out the form by clicking here!

No idea is a bad idea! Let’s put our heads together and think of new innovative ways to get students to fall in love with Averett and apply!

Averett Theatre Play Series

The Averett University Theatre Department is proud to release part one of its play series. Look for more soon. Click here, and enjoy the show!

See a Need? Let the Facilities Team Know!

Averett family, we need you to report issues on campus in addition to submitting ideas for improvement. As was noted, something doesn’t have to be broken necessarily for work to be done. If you see an area on campus that appears to be in need of some tender loving care, fill out a report on the NetFacilities site and it will be added to the list of things to do. The team is working diligently to make improvements to campus, and this isn’t possible without your help!

Work Study Opportunities for 2021-22

We are busy planning next year’s work-study program! If your office currently does NOT host a work-study student, please take a minute to fill out this form to let us know of your interest. If you have questions, please reach out to Angie McAdams by email. Thanks!
