Global Entrepreneurship Week Kicks Off at Averett with Student-Led Event

Posted on November 8th, 2021 by Matt Bell

The annual Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) begins Monday, Nov. 8, on Averett’s campus with students hosting a panel discussion in partnership with Danville Community College.

The discussion, set for 4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9, in Blount Library will feature boutique store $auce VA, Dan River Church Pastor Scott Randlett, Real Estate Broker Instructor Nikki Dodson and Averett Business Administration Instructor Meaghan Byrne.

“The students have put all aspects together themselves to showcase what they are learning in a current entrepreneurship course during the fall 2021 semester. This is such an exciting event particularly since the department of business administration is launching a newly developed Bachelor of Science: Business Administration degree with a concentration in Small Business and Entrepreneurship. John Vigouroux, chief entrepreneurship and innovation officer, and I are so excited to show how our students have excelled in the endeavor,” Averett’s Department of Business Administration Chair Dr. Peggy Wright said.

Over 35,000 activities are happening around the world for GEW, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN).
