Averett CoffeeBreak 8-24-22

Posted on August 24th, 2022 by Matt Bell

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form. For the next CoffeeBreak, please submit by Friday, Aug. 26, for a Wednesday, Aug. 31, publication.

Averett Online Welcomes Morgan McKinney

The Averett Online Student Readiness, Retention, & Persistence team (part of Averett Student Services) is happy to introduce our new graduate teaching assistant, Morgan McKinney.

She is from Reidsville, N.C. and recently graduated from Averett with a bachelor’s degree in sociology. She was a member of the cheerleading team at Averett and participated in two national/grand championship wins. She is so excited to get started and continue to grow professionally. You can also find her as a barista at Starbucks where she has worked for two years. She enjoys traveling, walking, online shopping, dancing and cuddles with her dog Sully. Morgan says she is looking forward to this new and exciting chapter!

Dr. Sergey Samoilenko Publishes Latest Book

Dr. Sergey Samoilenko, a professor of information systems in Averett’s Department of CIS/CS, has published his latest book with Taylor & Francis’ Routledge.

The book, titled “Digitalization: Contexts, Roles, and Outcomes,” is a contemplation and analysis of the socio-technical system that is known as digitalization. It considers the context of digitalization as well as the ways by which digitalization offers value to the context within which it operates.

The book is now available on Amazon.


Your Input Needed – VPAA Search

Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to share that we are ready to launch the search for our next VP of Academic Affairs. We will be partnering with Coleman Lew Canny Bowen (CLCB), an executive search firm, to assist with this search. They have conducted numerous searches for key leaders at colleges and universities across the country.

Shana Plott, the CEO of the firm, and Chris Shade, a consultant who specializes in higher education searches, will be with us on campus September 15 and 16. They will conduct a comprehensive listening tour with stakeholders across campus and we want to hear from you about the ideal candidate profile. Your insight is critical, and I hope you will make every effort to participate in the process.

I am confident we are embarking on a comprehensive process that will ultimately lead to us selecting a stellar next leader for Academic Affairs.

All faculty and staff are invited to participate in one of three open sessions. Faculty Open Sessions are planned for Thursday, Sept. 15, from 1:45-2:45 p.m. and Friday, Sept. 16, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. In addition, there is an Open Session for both Staff and Faculty on Friday, Sept. 16, from 1:30-2:30 p.m. All Open Sessions will be held in the Multipurpose Room, Student Center.

Thank you,

Tiffany M. Franks

Your Input – Vice President for Enrollment Management & University Marketing

The search process is underway for our VP for Enrollment Management and University Marketing (VPEMM). I am grateful to the following members of our community who have agreed to serve on the Search Committee: Coach Desiree Driver, Pam Harris, Dr. James Hodgson, Joel Nester, Shannon Stone, John Vigouroux, Josh Williams and Dr. Venita Mitchell, Chair.

Your perspectives are important to me and to the Search Committee and we invite your feedback about the characteristics most desired in the ideal candidate for this key position. We have created an “Ideal Candidate Survey” to gather this information in a totally confidential manner. We are seeking input from all faculty and staff.

I would be most appreciative if you would be willing to complete the Ideal Candidate Survey found via the link below. When you hit “send,” your completed survey goes directly to the President’s Office where it will be compiled and reported in aggregate. This enables your confidential input to be a part of framing our search. This survey will take only a few minutes of your time and please accept my sincere gratitude.

Here is the link to the survey.

You may also access a copy of the position announcement by clicking here. We strived to shape the position so that it captures the VPEMM role not only for today, but into the future. You will see there’s emphasis on experience with new and emerging technologies to aid in personalization of recruiting strategies. Also, you will see the position has been restructured to include oversight of Marketing and Communications for the institution. Structuring this key area under enrollment management moves us to a stronger position because no position generally has more of a handle on the marketplace and marketplace needs than this role. When they are separated, there’s a lot more work to be done to drive integrated strategy, overall campus wide integration and makes accountability more difficult.

Thank you very much for your feedback with this important search.


Tiffany M. Franks


Averett Home Information

Faculty and staff wishing to purchase a meal plan may click here to do so. For all hours and information about the Cougar Den and Jut’s Cafe, click here. Click the picture at left to learn more about Averett home and amenities offered through Aramark this year!






CaterTrax Training

Aramark will be launching their online catering platform, CaterTrax, soon! Anyone who needs to order catering for their meeting or event will use this online platform for all of your catering needs.

In preparation for this, we will be holding CaterTrax Training in the MPR on Friday, Aug. 26, at 9:30 a.m., and again on Friday, Sept. 1, at 9:30 a.m. Please contact Lynsey Corriher for more details and to sign up for a training session.

Interested in Football Games from the President’s Suite?

Football season is almost upon us! There will be limited space available in the President’s Suite this year for home football games, but we hope to have an opportunity to invite members of our faculty and staff. If you have interest in coming to the President’s Suite for one of the home games listed below, please respond to [email protected] and list the games for which you are available. We hope to enjoy the opportunity for fellowship with as many as possible, and encourage you to respond as soon as possible.

Saturday, Sept. 3, 6 p.m. – Apprentice School
Saturday, Sept. 17, 6 p.m. – Brevard College
Saturday, Oct. 29, 1 p.m. – Shenandoah University
Saturday, Nov. 5, 1 p.m. – Guilford College

Travel is Back!

The Annual Averett Study Abroad Fair will be held on-campus Tuesday, Sept. 13, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room. Faculty and staff, spread the word to students and stop by yourself! Learn how to apply for a passport, maximize financial aid and scholarship opportunities, and realize the career benefits of an abroad experience! Study abroad alumni, international program providers and study abroad advisors will be available to answer questions. Don’t miss the raffle prizes and goody bags! Register for updates and raffles drawings. Browse our new website!


Student Loan Program Deadline Fast Approaching

As you may already know, the PSLF (public service loan forgiveness) program is for those who have student loans and work at a designated 501c3 non-profit or not-for-profit and paying under a qualified repayment plan and have paid 120 qualifying payments. After 120 qualifying payments, the remaining balance is forgiven, if approved. The problem with that program is that what the DOE considered a qualified repayment plan was very restrictive and required very high monthly payments, so only about 5% of borrowers met those requirements. The new administration has now created the TEPSLF (temporary extension of the public service loan forgiveness) program to help us. For example, after paying since 2007, I only had 27 qualifying payments under PSLF, but under TEPSLF, I now have 152 qualifying payments. A huge difference.

You only have until October 31st, 2022 to apply for the TEPSLF program! Even if you haven’t made 120 payments, lock in now to ensure that all previous payments made under ANY repayment plan count toward your future total.

For qualifications and more about the program, click here.

A Reminder About NetFacilities

Averett University Director of Facilities/Chief of Campus Safety and Security Bruce Devlin and HES Facilities reminds everyone to use NETfacilities to report anything that requires repair or replacement. Work orders let the facilities team know there is something that needs attention – otherwise it could go unnoticed. If you see something, say something with a work order.

In the event of an emergency – a fallen tree on a building, flood, structural damage where lives are in danger – please call Bruce Devlin at 609-947-6124 or Bren Taylor at 434-215-9037.

Please note, a power outage is not an emergency situation.

Monkeypox Information

Click the image at left for the latest information regarding the monkeypox outbreak. For questions, click here to email Director of Health Services Tammi Devlin.






How is that Step Challenge going?

Greetings, high steppers! Victor, here.

How is that team step challenge going? I hope you all are finding out that getting those steps in can be more fun than you ever thought possible. However, remember the small ways to get those steps in, like parking in a different parking lot a bit further down the road than usual. Another trick is to dedicate the first and last 30 minutes of your day to getting in extra steps. A few laps around the neighborhood can easily be thousands of steps.

If anyone has any questions regarding the invitational team step challenge or Averett Wellness in general feel free to reach to me at [email protected]

Take care until next time, keep stepping!

