Averett CoffeeBreak 11-9-22

Posted on November 9th, 2022 by Matt Bell

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form. For the next CoffeeBreak, please submit by Friday, Nov. 11, for a Wednesday, Nov. 16, publication.

Open Enrollment Continues – Make Your Elections before it’s Too Late!

Open Enrollment is open until 1 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 17.

Each year, Averett University and other member institutions in the Virginia Private College Benefit Consortium (VPCBC) conducts an Open Enrollment process. Open Enrollment allows benefits eligible employees to decide which medical, dental and vision benefit plan they elect for health insurance coverage the upcoming calendar year. This year’s time frame is open now through 1 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 17. Take a look at the 2023 Averett University Benefits Guide that incorporates all of the programs available to you through our consortium plan by clicking here.

For additional information, contact Pam Paynter and remember to Zoom in with Pam this week if you have questions or simply need more information to enroll in your benefits! Email Pam with any questions.

The 2023 Fringe Facts flyer is located at this link.

Meet & Greet Tomorrow – Vice President for Enrollment Management and University Marketing Finalist

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to share the second finalist for the position of vice president for enrollment management and university marketing will be on campus for interviews Nov. 9-11. There will be a “meet and greet” open session for faculty and staff. The session will begin with brief remarks by the candidate followed by an open time for Q&A. The meet and greet will be held in the Student Center Multipurpose Room as follows:

Dr. Samuel Beaumont – Thursday, Nov. 10, from 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Dr. Beaumont is currently the vice president for student affairs and support services and former vice president for enrollment management at Hallmark University, San Antonio, Texas. He has managed traditional and online enrollment services, marketing, career services, academic advising, registrar, facilities, tuition forecasting and budget management.

This is a wonderful way for our finalist to experience the people of Averett and for our campus community to get acquainted with him. If you would like to review the candidate’s resume, please let Cyndie Basinger know. I am hopeful that many of you will be able to attend the open session, and welcome you to email me with your impression of using this candidate comment sheet.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this very important process and thank you to the search committee – led by Dr. Venita Mitchell and includes Desiree Driver, Pamela Harris, Dr. James Hodgson, Joel Nester, Shannon Stone, John Vigouroux and Josh Williams – who have done such great work to bring these wonderful candidates to our campus.


Dr. Tiffany M. Franks

Dr. Sergey Samoilenko to Present on Digitalization

Averett University Computer Information Systems Professor Dr. Sergey Samoilenko has published his latest book titled Digitalization: Contexts, Roles and Outcomes. The book is a contemplation and analysis of the socio-technical system that is known as digitalization. It considers the context of digitalization as well as the ways by which digitalization offers value to the context within which it operates.

On Thursday, Nov. 10, from 4:45-5:45 p.m., Dr. Samoilenko will be in the Mary B. Blount Library to talk about digitalization – what it is; what it does; and its significance, impact and outcomes. Please join us to learn more about digitalization and its role in society and our lives!

ODAC SAAC CANS Across the Conference Competition

The CANS Across the Conference competition is coming to an end, and WE NEED YOUR HELP! Our final drop-off date is Friday, Nov. 11, at the E. Stuart James Grant Center from noon-6 p.m.

This initiative is held annually as a community service competition among all institutions in the ODAC. Each campus SAAC collects cans and other non-perishable items at their school to benefit their local community.

Our goal is to collect over 7,000 to help benefit God’s Storehouse here in Danville. Help us help others!

For any additional information or questions, email Averett Volleyball Coach Olivia Earls.

Mascot Volunteer Needed

Admissions is currently looking for someone to be the mascot for Scholarship Day on Saturday, Nov. 12! The participant will receive a gift card of their choice. If you know anyone interested, please have them contact Ronisha Dunlap ASAP. Thank you!




Career & Graduate School Expo

Please share the following information with ALL of your students.

The fall 2022 Career & Graduate School Expo is coming up on Tuesday, Nov. 15, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Carrington Gym. This year’s fair has 59 organizations attending with more on the waiting list. Of those, 15 are graduate schools from across Virginia and North Carolina and representative are eager to meet Averett students to discuss continuing education beyond the bachelor’s level. A total of 44 attendees are hiring organizations, and there are more than 300 jobs (full and part-time) and internships up for grabs. There will be something there for ALL Averett students of all levels in their educational career. This event is the largest career and graduate school expo in Averett’s recent history! Employers and graduate schools want to meet our students and they want Averett students become part of their organization!

Students should click this link to view participants and anyone with questions should contact Angie McAdams, our Director of Career Competitiveness, at [email protected]. Don’t miss this exciting event!

Staff Council Calls for Golden Bagel Nominations

Staff Council is accepting nominations for the Golden Bagel Award! If you feel that one of your coworkers has gone above and beyond this month, please email your nomination to [email protected].

October’s Golden Bagel Winner was Ashley Bowman. Join us in congratulating Ashley, and read her nomination below!

“This Golden Bagel nomination is a long time coming and well-deserved. It goes out to this person because they never back down from a challenge. They not only keep their department running smoothly but also make sure all other departments stay on track. This person is known for being someone that anyone on campus can call, and they are always willing to lend a helping hand or answer their questions seamlessly no matter how much work is on their plate. This person takes on projects like no other and gives 120% effort each time. This person is dependable, friendly, hardworking and a massive TEAM PLAYER. Averett’s success and the students are this person’s top priority and without them, Averett would be at a loss!

There is so much more this person does and needs to be recognized for but I couldn’t fit in a short paragraph. Give this person a big hug and thank her for everything they do each day.”

The next staff meeting is set for 11:15 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15, in Blount Chapel with joint updates for faculty and staff, and will continue in the MPR for staff members.

Entrepreneurship Speaker Coming Soon

Join Averett University’s Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 4:45 p.m. as it hosts Dr. Iulian Bobe, chief technology officer and co-founder of CIRC. Click the image for more information.







TRUTH Talk: Truths about Tobacco and Vape Use

Join us for the November TRUTH Talk: Truths about Tobacco and Vape Use Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 6 p.m. Click the image at left for more details.






Arts@Averett: Broadway is Back!

Broadway is Back!You don’t want to miss this! Broadway is Back as presented by the Averett University Department of Theatre Thursday, Nov. 17, through Sunday, Nov. 20. A Musical Revue which includes some of the most beloved songs of Broadway. An evening sure to entertain and delight.

Averett students, faculty and staff receive FREE admission.

For tickets, visit averett.booktix.com.

WE HEARD YOU! Averett Shoes Holiday Order Begins NOW!

Due to popular demand, Averett Athletics will be running a Holiday Shoe Order starting TODAY! Show off your Cougar Pride by sporting these one-of-a-kind Averett University branded shoes! This is a limited time offer with an order deadline of Friday, Nov. 18. You can purchase these shoes by opening the attached PDF and clicking on the “ORDER FORM” button. All shoes will be delivered to Averett Athletics North Campus on approximately Dec. 14, just in time for the holidays! Since these shoes are custom ordered, there will not be an opportunity for refunds or exchanges.



Volunteers Needed for Late Night Breakfast

As we near the end of this semester, we gain another opportunity to fellowship with our student body. On Wednesday, Nov. 30, from 10 p.m.-midnight, we will have Late Night Breakfast in the Cougar Den. As you know, we have a new dining service provider so this may look a little different this year, however, we will need volunteers as always. Email Nate Lake if you wish to volunteer that night or if you have any further questions.


Join Us for a Christmas Party!

Averett faculty, staff and retirees (plus a guest) are invited for a Christmas Party hosted by Tiffany and Joe Franks on Thursday, Dec. 8, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at 500 Hawthorne Drive.

Please respond to Cyndie Basinger at [email protected], and include your guest’s name.





Commencement Volunteers Needed

If you would like to volunteer to help with the December commencement, please email Debbie Pike. We need volunteers to help collect tickets, seat special guests, wear the Cougar costume and to help out where needed. Graduation will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 10, and volunteers are needed from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


Averett 110: In the Eyes of First Year Students

President Franks and Joe Franks are continuing the tradition of hosting Averett 110 classes for dinners at the President’s House this fall. Please see some of the positive comments that were shared at recent dinners:

“Professors are really helpful.”
“Easy to meet new people here – lots of interaction.”
“It’s convenient to schedule tutoring.”
“It’s easy to get the help I need.”
“Everybody wants to help me.”
“The teachers are nice and hands on.”
“The whole Averett family is real – friendly people and I feel the love.”
“I like the freedom and independence of being in college.”
“There is a close feel in the community.”
“Averett coaches really work with you.”

Annual Notices for the Averett University Retirement Plan Coming Soon

As part of our 3(16) services for the MEP (Averett’s Retirement Plan), Pentegra (the compliance component) delivers the annual notice mailings for your plan. These mailings are sent to all eligible participants and terminated participants that still have an account balance in the plan, regardless of whether the account balance is in the old TIAA contracts or the new TIAA contracts under the MEP. (Please note: terminated participants will not receive the universal availability or QDIA notice.)

If an email address was provided for the participant, Pentegra will deliver the notices via email. This is a legitimate email that is safe to open – it is not spam and should be communicated as such if you receive any questions from your employees.

If an email address was not provided for the participant, the notices will be sent via regular US mail to the address on file.

The email was sent from [email protected] and contains the words “Annual Notices 2023” in the subject line. One of the four notices (fee disclosure) is available here.

If you have questions or need additional information, contact Kathie Tune ([email protected]).

Wear Blue for Diabetes – And Attend Our Clinic!

On Thursday, Nov. 10, Averett’s Health Services will be holding a diabetes clinic in the MPR from 12:30-2:30 p.m. Click the flyer at left for more information.





Thank you for Registering for a Biometric Screening and/or a Flu Shot!

The Biometric Screening schedule is full at this time; however, there may be a cancellation so please check the link in a few days. They will be accepting walk-ins! We still have 12 open slots for the flu shot. Call or email Kathie Tune at 434.791.7106 or [email protected] for updates.
