
CAEP Reporting Measures

As a component of CAEP accreditation, every Education Preparation Provider (EPP) must report and prominently display data on its website relating to eight Annual Reporting Measures established by CAEP. EPPs may select the data they present as long as it is appropriate to CAEP’s measures.

R4.1  - The provider demonstrates the effectiveness of its completers’ instruction on P-12 student learning and development, and completer and employer satisfaction with the relevance and effectiveness of preparation.

Performance & Evaluation | Virginia Department of Education

The Virginia Department of Education does not provide EPPs with data related to CAEP Standard 4.1. Annual principal evaluation of program completers on Virginia Performance Standard 7 (i.e., The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable, and appropriate student academic progress.) provide a measure of impact. Teachers are evaluated on a four point scale (i.e., Exemplary, Proficient, Developing/Needs Improvement, Unacceptable). Learn more on the Virginia Department of Education website:

Because of this, the EPP participates in the Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative (VEAC) Completer Survey for Initial Licensure and Employer Survey for Initial Licensure and Advanced Licensure programs. The Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative utilizes a common, standardized survey of program completers and their employers using the language of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Uniform Performance Standards.

2022-2023 Completer Satisfaction Data

2021-2022 Completer Satisfaction Data

The documents below show employer satisfaction data gathered from an EPP-created instrument Fall, 2019-Spring, 2021

FA20-SP21 Employer Satisfaction Data

FA19-SP20 Employer Satisfaction Data

R4.2: The provider demonstrates employers are satisfied with the completers’ preparation for their assigned responsibilities in working with diverse P-12 students and their families.

R5.3: The provider includes relevant internal (e.g., EPP administrators, faculty, staff, candidates) and external (e.g., alumni, practitioners, school and community partners, employers) stakeholders in program design, evaluation, and continuous improvement processes.

RA4.1: The provider demonstrates that employers are satisfied with the completers’ preparation for their assigned responsibilities.

The Virginia Department of Education does not provide EPPs with data related to CAEP Standard 4.2.

The Virginia Department of Education does not provide EPPs with data related to CAEP Standard 4.1. Annual principal evaluation of program completers on Virginia Performance Standard 7 (i.e., The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable, and appropriate student academic progress.) provide a measure of impact. Teachers are evaluated on a four point scale (i.e., Exemplary, Proficient, Developing/Needs Improvement, Unacceptable). Learn more on the Virginia Department of Education website:

Because of this, the EPP participates in the Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative (VEAC) Completer Survey for Initial Licensure and Employer Survey for Initial Licensure and Advanced Licensure programs. The Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative utilizes a common, standardized survey of program completers and their employers using the language of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Uniform Performance Standards.

2022-2023 Employer Satisfaction Data

2021-2022 Employer Satisfaction Data

The documents below show employer satisfaction data gathered from an EPP-created instrument Fall, 2019-Spring, 2021

FA20-SP21 Employer Satisfaction Data

FA19-SP20 Employer Satisfaction Data

R3.3: The provider ensures candidates possess academic competency to teach effectively with positive impacts on diverse P-12 student learning and development through application of content knowledge, foundational pedagogical skills, and technology integration in the field(s) where certification is sought. Multiple measures are provided and data are disaggregated and analyzed based on race, ethnicity, and such other categories as may be relevant for the EPP’s mission.

Licensure Rate for Initial and Advanced Programs

The Virginia Department of Education Biennial Report Accountability Measure #1 includes the number of program completers and the number of program exiters for the current biennial period. Accountability Measure #1 also indicates pass rates for each required licensure examination.

Biennial Report: SY2021-2023 Approved Teacher Education Programs Compliance - Accountability measurements 1 through 7

Biennial Report: SY2019-2021 Approved Teacher Education Programs Compliance - Accountability measurements 1 through 7 

By federal law, all colleges and universities offering teacher education programs must annually report on a set of uniform data, including program requirements, admissions and completion data, and assessment pass rates. On the Title II website linked below, requirements and data can be viewed by state and by provider.


Using source data from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Teacher Licensure Application and Annual Instructional Personnel (IPAL) Data Collection, the VDOE shares employment data with education preparation providers.

EPP Completers Employed in Virginia Public Schools by Program