Focus of Averett University’s MLK Day Celebration: Keeping Dr. King’s Dream Alive by Serving Others

Posted on January 22nd, 2015 by Travis Dix

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By Tola Anderson, reporter for WSET-TV– All over the nation Monday communities united to celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Danville was included.

Averett University held their annual MLK Community Celebration. What they really focused on was what happens after the celebration is over, which is the MLK Day of Service.

The speakers urged the hundreds in the audience to take Dr. King’s teachings and put them into practice every day. They encouraged them to be good to others, and be selfless by serving those in need.

It was a day full of celebration and honor.

“We’re all here with clear intention of carrying on his spirit and his work,” said Dr. Tiffany Franks, Averett University President.

Hundreds of city officials, community leaders and students gathered to remember the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“I believe that every thought and every act of racial prejudice is harmful,” the crowd said as they recited the Birmingham Pledge.

Author Dr. Shirley Davis was the highlight of the luncheon. She urged the audience to re-invent themselves and push for greatness.

“We can also have a dream just like Dr. Martin Luther King did,” Dr. Davis said.

But the call to action didn’t stop there. When the luncheon ended, the MLK Day of Service began.

“He served a nation. Part of what we do to continue his legacy is that we continue to serve each other,” Dr. Davis said.

Averett University had many local students volunteer with God’s Storehouse sorting out food donations, preparing bagged lunches for the homeless and starting a community garden.

For Averett University student, Amada Reeves, she believes it wouldn’t be MLK Day without this.

“Here you see everybody… different colors, different races, everything is coming together the way he wanted, the way he saw, the way he envisioned. I think we would make him very proud today,” Reaves said.

Although the service projects started after the luncheon, the attendees gave in a big way before the event even started.

The 300 people in the audience brought canned foods for God’s Storehouse as their admission fee.
