AU Coffeebreak 2-25-15

Posted on February 25th, 2015 by Travis Dix


CoffeeBreak is a newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up to date on campus activities and information.

Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form by 4:30 p.m. Feb. 27 for a Mar. 4 publication.



Civil Rights Talk Rescheduled

Due to last week’s inclement weather, Dr. Andrew Canady’s talk, “A Long Civil Rights Movement,” has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 5 at 7 p.m. on the first floor of Blount Library.

The talk, which is free and open to the public, will discuss the quest and struggle for African-American civil rights from the end of the Civil War through the 1960s.

award1Faculty/Staff Award Nominations

It’s time to nominate your peers for the annual Faculty and Staff of the Year Awards. Nominations are due by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 31 and may be emailed to [email protected]. In your nomination, you must include why you are nominating the faculty or staff member. For more information about the awards, please click here.

staffStaff Information

There are intramural packets in the Residence Life Office for basketball and soccer. Stop by and pick one up if you want to form a team.

The next University-wide staff meeting is March 19 in the multipurpose room. We are asking for non-perishable food items to restock our food pantry. There is still a need to help our Averett community through the HOPE project.

Please remind all of your students they need to fill out a housing packet, which will be available in the Residence Life Office on February 27. Every student needs to fill one out whether they intend to graduate, transfer or remain on campus next year.

equestrian_studiesHorse Festival Coming Up

A friendly reminder that our Equestrian Studies Department will be participating in the Virginia-North Carolina Horse Festival at the Olde Dominion Ag Complex (19783 US Hwy 29 South, Chatham) on Saturday, March 7 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. They will be conducting demos and exhibitions throughout the day. Come join us and bring a friend – it’s free! For more information about the events that day, please click here.

main_hallChanges in the Business Office

Lisa Stewart will assume the title of Controller March 1. Lisa has done an exceptional job of filling the role as Interim Controller since the departure of Andy Fitch.

Beginning March 15, Sandy Isom will assume the duties of Averett’s Assistant Controller. No stranger to Averett, Sandy has been on Main Campus working as Synergis Education’s Director of Finance for the last couple of years. The Business Office is anxiously awaiting her arrival.

Trish Coleman, Assistant to the CFO, will be leaving the University on March 13 to accept a position with General Dynamics. Stop by her office on Main Campus to bid her farewell.



Trustee’s Wife to Speak

The Wednesday Club will host Dr. Diane Burke on Wednesday, March 11 at 3:45 p.m. at 1002 Main Street here in Danville. This event is open to the public and Averett faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend.

Burke is a retired educator who spent 35 years working in K-12 through college learning environments. Upon retiring, she decided to share her life-long passion of reading books about real women. She created and continues to edit her website, For as long as she can remember, she has searched for books about interesting women. This quest has allowed her to discover and read about women who don’t necessarily appear in history books or the front page of the newspaper, but who have lived rich and fascinating lives. Burke will share the stories of some of these women and also provide a review of her website. She currently resides in Chesapeake with her husband, Dr. Joseph Burke, a member of Averett University’s Board of Trustees.
