6th Annual Engaged Learning Showcase Held at Averett

Posted on November 18th, 2021 by Matt Bell

Averett’s Center for Community Engagement and Career Competitiveness (CCECC) celebrated the 6th annual Engaged Learning Showcase in Pritchett Auditorium in the Frith Fine Arts Center Tuesday, Nov. 16.

Representing students and faculty from Averett, Danville Community College and Piedmont Community College, the event featured 25 dynamic course-based projects ranging from service-learning, internships, volunteer experiences, and undergraduate research.

Averett President Dr. Tiffany Franks welcomed the audience and presenters by praising the students, faculty and staff for their hard work on helping our community partners build capacity in the Dan River Region.

Executive Director of the CCECC and Dean of Engaged Learning Dr. Billy Wooten said, “Despite COVID’s attempt to slow us down, we adapted and pivoted toward offering more engaged opportunities for students, which has led us to double our service-learning course offerings, volunteer opportunities, and career development experiences, as evidenced tonight by this packed showcase.”

The event also featured our 2021 Engaged Learning Awards for outstanding faculty, staff, students, and community partner. This year’s recipients are:

Professor Karen Oaks – Nursing
Professor Stephanie Smith – Biology
Tammy Jackson – Student Life
Emma Olsson – Athletics
Bryan Price – UVA Cancer Center
Lydie Kodio – Intern of the Year
Zamyiah Mangum – Volunteer of the Year

View photos of the event by clicking here.
