AU CoffeeBreak 1-18-17

Posted on January 18th, 2017 by Danielle Staub

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information.

Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20, for a Wednesday, Jan. 25, publication.


College Communicators Association Conference

CCA ConferenceCassie Williams Jones, director of marketing and communications, and Danielle Staub, marketing and communications specialist, attended the College Communicators Association conference at the University of Virginia on Jan. 13.

Jones and Staub were able to network and learn from other higher education communicators throughout Virginia and D.C. The two attended a presentation on the current issue of “safe spaces” in colleges and universities, as well as sessions on media relations, creative workflow, the design process and social media.



Student Accolades

CongratsAs we start the spring semester, we would like to recognize Maria Ochoa, Jessica Allanson and Chris Walton for all their help and going above and beyond the call of duty for Averett students.

Last semester, the Student Life department started recognizing students that go the extra mile in whatever they are doing on campus. Each week in the Student Life staff meetings, the group nominates students that they want to recognize for their dedication to Averett. The student names are then put into a drawing for the chance to win a $50 Visa Gift Card at the end of the semester.

GPS Student Spotlight: Tom Bacak

GPS Student Spotlight Tom BacakThroughout the month, the Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS) admissions team interviews and highlights our GPS students. We hope you will enjoy learning more about these amazing members of our Averett family!

Meet Tom Bacak who is pursuing his bachelor of business administration and expected to graduate in 2017.

What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? “There are a few factors. Firstly, I would like to continue my professional career and having a degree not only certifies my advanced education, but I have learned many things from my studies while being an experienced professional and can immediately apply those skill sets learned to my current job. Secondly, I want to set and provide an example to my young children and obtaining my degree is hopefully a good example for them when they’re older and realize the importance of this. Lastly, I had always promised my mother I would obtain my degree and I am going to fulfill that promise.”

Why did you choose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program? “My mother attended the University when she decided to continue her education and finish her degree. I looked at a couple other choices, but her positive experience and the ease of enrollment, admission, and the all online capabilities that Averett has, made it an easy choice.”

Please share one tip for your fellow classmates and future AU students. “Speaking from the online perspective, get to know your student success counselor! She has helped me with every question on everything from administration to guidance. By doing her job effectively, I can spend my time focusing on my studies. Without her assistance I would have been totally lost.”

What helps to keep you motivated while you are in the program? “My main motivation while obtaining my degree is setting a good example for my kids and fulfilling a promise I made to my mother years ago that I would one day get my degree. Better late than never!”

Book Signing

Canady BookAndrew Canady, assistant professor of history and honors program director, recently wrote and published a book, “Willis Duke Weatherford: Race, Religion, and Reform in the American South.” Averett will be holding a book signing on Wednesday, Jan. 25, at 7 p.m. in the multipurpose room. Canady will be there talking about the book and copies will be available for purchase.


SACSCOCEvery week, you will see this section discussing the reaccreditation for Averett University by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, or SACSCOC. Each week will provide a new piece of vital information, so please be sure to check back weekly!

What will SACSCOC evaluate?

Among many factors, the SACSCOC evaluators will pay particular attention to the following during their visit to our Danville campus February 21-23:

  • Degree Programs – Does Averett offer programs with a coherent course of study that is compatible with our mission and based upon appropriate fields of study?
  • Faculty – Is the number of full-time Averett faculty members adequate to support our mission and ensure quality and integrity of our academic programs?
  • Student Support Services – Does Averett provide student support programs, services and activities consistent with our mission that promote student learning and enhance student development?
  • Institutional Effectiveness – Does Averett identify expected outcomes, assess the extent to which we achieve those outcomes and provide evidence of improvement based on analysis of the results?
  • Financial Resources – Does Averett have a sound financial base and demonstrate financial stability to support our mission and the scope of our programs and services?
  • Library Resources – Does Averett provide the facilities and learning/information resources that are appropriate to support our teaching, research and service mission?

For more information about Averett University’s Reaffirmation 2017 process, contact The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research at (434) 791-5618 or [email protected], or visit

Bonner Leaders Program

Bonner LeadersAverett University is cultivating its own Bonner Leaders program, connected to the national program under the Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation. The current peer mentor role in the Averett 101 curriculum will be upgraded into a four-year service and leadership scholarship opportunity. Freshmen are being recruited to enter an engaging, community-based curriculum in which they will gain the tools to build community relationships and effectively meet regional needs. These students will galvanize the Averett student body, especially first-year students in Averett 101, as we continue to develop a culture of service. If you know of a stellar freshman student, please recommend that he/she apply and share the application, here.

How can you be involved?

Faculty- In 2017, our goal is to have every Averett 101 section taught or co-taught by a faculty member. If you are interested, please notify Brigid Belko, [email protected] or (434) 791-5656, even if you previously taught. Also, we are looking for a Bonner Leader faculty adviser with previous Bonner experience or knowledge.

Staff- Interested in co-teaching Averett 101 with a faculty member? If you co-taught Averett 101 in Fall 2016, please notify Brigid of your interest. If you are interested, but did not teach in Fall 2017, please notify Brigid and submit an intent to teach form (on the intranet) to Mary Sullivan.

Averett University is on Instagram!

AU instagram

We now have a University Instagram account. The marketing and communications team is running this account. The team felt this was an important part to reaching our prospective and current students.

Please follow us at: aunews.

IT “Q and A”

Q and AThe IT department has scheduled a “Q and A” session for Tuesday, Jan. 31, at 4 p.m. at Blount Chapel. This event will allow students the opportunity to ask whatever is on their minds. We do realize that this is a dangerous venture and that our egos may be bruised, but if it helps the students understand wifi, it will be worth it. Faculty and staff are welcome to attend.

HelpDesk Express

ComputerThe IT Technology Solutions Group is expanding its HelpDesk services with a HelpDesk Express site in the Student Center. It is located where the welcome center previously resided. The HelpDesk Express will provide all the services available at the “main” HelpDesk located in Davenport Hall. It will be open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

New Hiring Template

A green nametag sticker with the words Hello I Am New for a rookWe now have a new hiring template for prospective employees. This template is the basis for any position posting (for the AU Web, HigherEd Jobs, The Chronicle, etc.) and should reflect the actual position description on file in HR.

Please use this template for any prospective position postings in your area. If there are any special notes for HR to add, they may be added in the additional comments section. The template is available on the Averett intranet in the HR section under hiring resources. Contact Kathie Tune with any questions at [email protected].

Diversity Statement

32351069965_6670f2149d_oRecently, Averett reviewed and updated its statement of nondiscrimination to more completely reflect the University’s core value of diversity. We truly seek to maintain a community that fosters awareness, inclusiveness, equity and service, while respecting differences in a safe, nurturing environment. The new policy and statement reflect that commitment. Employees are urged to review the policy that was accepted by the Board of Trustees during their fall meeting. The policy applies to all community members (students, faculty, staff and visitors) and is posted on the Averett University intranet under human resources policies.

As your department updates materials, please be sure our current policy statement is included where appropriate:

“Averett University is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment and to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment. Averett prohibits discrimination against and harassment of any student, employee, applicant for admission or for employment, third party or community member because of race; color; national or ethnic origin; age; religion; disability; sex; sexual orientation; gender; gender identity and expression; genetics; veteran status; retaliation; and other characteristics protected under applicable federal or state law.”

If you have questions regarding the policy or how it may apply to your department, contact Anna Kautzman, our compliance specialist, at (434) 791-7244 or [email protected].

New I-9 Forms

I9Starting January 22, employers (including Averett) must use only the updated version of Form I-9 and its 15-page set of instructions. Recently, two training sessions were held to help Averett personnel who often complete the Form I-9 become familiar with the new version and its specific requirements. If your department hires new employees such as adjunct faculty members, graduate assistants and non-federal work study students, we suggest one or more team members become trained on the new form.

Form I-9 is used to verify the identity and employment eligibility of each employee. Section 1 of the form must be completed and signed by the new employee after accepting employment with Averett, but before the end of the first day of work. An authorized representative of Averett meets with the new employee to review and record information from original identification and authorization documents no later than three days after the start of employment. Failure to complete the form properly and on time can constitute violations and potentially risk monetary penalties against the University.

To sign up for training on Form I-9 or for assistance, contact Anna Kautzman at (434) 791-7244 or [email protected].

Safe Zone Training

safe zoneIn December, members of our staff and faculty completed safe zone training in order to be allies for our LGBTQ students. The following faculty and staff have completed the training:

Dr. Catherine Clark, Dr. Adrienne Brune, Dr. Marc Muneal, Lesley Villarose, Jill Adams, DeAndre Howard, Joan Kahwajy-Anderson, Taylor Mahaffey, Kyle Patterson, and Sierra Braxton-Sears.

If you would like to have one of these individuals facilitate the Safe Zone training for your staff members, please contact Lesley Villarose at [email protected].

Did you move this year?

moversThe Business Office is working on your W-2. If you moved or changed your name (marriage, divorce, etc) please notify Pam Paynter with your new information immediately at [email protected].
