AU CoffeeBreak 5-25-16

Posted on May 25th, 2016 by Emily Tomlinson


CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up to date on campus activities and information.

Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form by 4:30 p.m. Friday, May 27 for a Wednesday, June 1 publication.

cb_successholley_katelynRecent Alumna Plans

Katelyn Holley ’16 has accepted a graduate assistant position with Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, N.C. She will be helping coach the volleyball team as well as working on her master’s degree in university leadership. Katelyn majored in physical education with teaching licensure, was a member of the volleyball team and participated in volunteer work while at Averett. Congratulations, Katelyn!



mehalko_danaMehalko Graduates Leadership Southside

Dana Mehalko, associate director of institutional research, graduated from Leadership Southside XXI on May 9. She and 17 others from the city of Danville and Pittsylvania County attended monthly leadership seminars from September 2015 to April 2016.

“This program is phenomenal for emerging leaders and positively reinforces the skills of seasoned leaders. From learning all about our personalities and leadership styles to how to effectively manage during crises, we were able to learn new skills and strongly develop as leaders while applying the knowledge each month during sessions,” said Dana. “We really strategized and effectively leveraged our strengths to successfully complete challenges. I am amazed at how we came together as leaders and met each challenge. This program is great for anyone who wants to develop or enhance their leadership skills.”

2497.jpgBelko Serves as Panelist

Brigid Belko, Averett’s director of experiential learning, served as a panelist at the Building University-Community Partnerships for Resilience Workshop on May 20 at the ODU Peninsula Higher Education Center. During the “Service-Learning & University-Community Engagement Panel Discussion,” Brigid and an ODU colleague connected faculty members from across Virginia directly with partners at the conference, and coached them on their service-learning collaboration.



staff_council1New Staff Council Members

Staff Council would like to recognize those staff members who were voted in during the election at the staff meeting Thursday, May 19. Three new members joined council and will serve a two year term. The new members are Kara Hankins, Mark Sheets and Chloe Mayhew. Congratulations!

cougar_head1Summer Athletics Camps

Is summer stretching in front of your family? Are you wondering how you’re going to keep your kids from driving you crazy? Sign them up for one, or all, of the sports camps offered by our athletics coaches. Faculty and staff do receive a discount on the price. Visit for the complete schedule and sign up today.

leadershipCCECC Takes on Junior Leadership

The Junior Leadership Southside Program has moved to the Center for Community Engagement and Career Competitiveness (CCECC). Rising high school juniors and seniors will be on campus for a week – June 6-10 – participating in the immersive program, which provides leadership orientation and development. Sessions will include speakers and activities that provide a holistic approach to leadership orientation and development. Previously the program was coordinated and run by the Chamber of Commerce.

save_the_date1Save the Date

President’s Council is cooking out! Make plans to join them for a charred burger, or two, on Thursday, June 30, from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Grilling will take place outside on the Student Center Plaza, and we will eat in the multipurpose room. You are welcome to bring a favorite summer dish to share, although it is not required. RSVP to Jennifer Hooper by Friday, June 24.
