AU CoffeeBreak 7-5-17

Posted on July 5th, 2017 by Danielle Staub

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form by 4:30 p.m. Friday, July 7, for a Wednesday, July 12, publication.

Dear Averett Family,

Thank you so much for your heartfelt cards, emails, hugs, meals, flowers and care packages following the sudden death of our brother Kevin. It is comforting to know that our family has been kept in your thoughts and prayers. We are truly blessed to have this network of support at Averett University and have appreciated such a circle of friendship surrounding us during this challenging time.

Richard and the Breen Family


GPS Student Spotlight

Throughout the month, the Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS) admissions team interviews and highlights our GPS students. We hope you will enjoy learning more about these amazing members of our Averett family!

Today, meet Alyssa Green, who is pursuing her Master of Education degree in curriculum and instruction. She is expected to graduate in 2018.

What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? “When I signed up to be a teacher, I signed up to be a lifelong learner. My simple goal is to continue learning and striving to reach my students in the best way possible! This seemed like the best time to do it – after I have a few years of teaching under my belt and my passion is higher than ever!”

Why did you choose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program? “I chose Averett because of the length of the program, the easy accessibility and the content within the program. The program is a quick 18 months and with each class being six weeks long, it honestly seemed like the perfect fit for me at this point in my life. I knew it would be a long enough length of time that I’d learn things well and be able to dig deep into the curriculum, but it also was short enough that I won’t burn out on school. Being a teacher all day can do that to you! I also really appreciate that it’s solely online. My life as a Kindergarten teacher is go, go, go all day, but I almost always have the internet at my fingertips. I can work on my schooling at night before I go to bed, while supper is in the oven, or even during a couple minutes while I’m eating breakfast. If I’m a car passenger, I use that time to respond to discussion posts and work on other things. It’s been work, but it’s also been an easy transition into schooling again because of the ease of access. I also was impressed with the content and classes within my program. I’m really excited to take classes that emphasize who I am as an educator, and I think that makes Averett special!”

Please share one tip for your fellow classmates and future AU students. “Take it one day at a time!”

What helps to keep you motivated while you are in the program? “Each course is only six weeks, and these days it seems like the weeks fly by quickly! The motivation comes from each week’s completion that adds up to each course completion. I feel like I’m making progress because six weeks isn’t long and my courses change more frequently. Motivation also stems from the set-up of the course. It’s almost as if there is a checklist on Moodle for each week and I find pure enjoyment in crossing those ‘to-dos’ off!”

Social Media Policy and Directory

As part of Averett’s 2020 Strategic Plan, the Brand Excellence committee, in conjunction with the Office of Marketing and Communications, has produced Averett’s official Social Media Policy, which is now on the intranet under Policy Library – Institutional Advancement and Marketing. Please take a moment to look it over. Along with the policy, our website now has a list of University Affiliated Accounts, which can be found by clicking here.

As stated in the policy, if you are the administrator of an University Affiliated Account, please email Danielle Staub, marketing and communications specialist, to move forward with Procedure no. 3 in the document. Also, if you are an administrator of a page which is not listed in the directory, contact Staub at (434) 791-5681 or [email protected].

Microsoft Office 365

As Averett employees, you have free access to Microsoft’s online Office 365 suite. This includes familiar applications such as Word, Excel and Powerpoint, but also includes Microsoft’s newest collaboration, multimedia presentation and enterprise productivity tools. Additionally, Microsoft provides an unlimited storage space known as OneDrive.

You must first sign up to access Office 365; to do so, click here. Enter your Averett email address, and then click on “Get Office for Free,” you may have to provide some additional information, and when asked, click on “I’m a teacher” instead of “I’m a student,” even if you are staff.

Once signed up, please experiment with the different applications available, and in future coffee breaks, we will highlight some of the newer, unfamiliar apps such as “yammer” and “sway.” Please give IT feedback with your impressions of Microsoft’s Office 365 tools.

New Employee Orientation

Mark your calendars, the new employee orientation will take place on Wednesday, Aug. 16, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., with lunch following. Details coming soon from Kathie Tune, director of Human Resources. All new employees (faculty, staff and graduate assistants) hired since mid-March 2017 will be receiving an e-vite via Punchbowl invitations. Stay tuned for more information.
