AU CoffeeBreak 8-3-16

Posted on August 3rd, 2016 by Emily Tomlinson


CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up to date on campus activities and information.

Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 5 for a Wednesday, Aug. 10 publication.



foster_marshaParting is Such Sweet Sorrow

It is with a heavy heart that we write to tell you that Marsha Foster, our former director of residence life and our current associate dean of students and Title IX coordinator, has tendered her resignation. Her last day with us will be Friday, Aug. 5.

During her nine years with the university, Marsha has dramatically changed the residence life program and department. The RA Program is stronger and these students are now some of our most influential student leaders on campus. Her work with the emergency management team has helped provide opportunities for employees to gain the experience and training needed to be prepared for an emergency on campus. She has also served as Staff Council President, worked with the Leadership Forum, conducted strengths assessment for the CCECC and the IA office to name a few. In addition, she has worked to make the Averett community healthier through local health collaborative efforts and tobacco awareness.

Marsha will be moving to Chattanooga, Tenn. where she is taking a position as a career and guidance counselor at an alternative high school. We wish her all the best in this new adventure. Stop by the dean’s office on the fourth floor of the Student Center on Thursday at 10 a.m. to say goodbye and wish her well.


Best Wishes for Future Success

Please join us in wishing Emily Tomlinson ’15 (MBA), communications specialist in Institutional Advancement, much success as she departs from her post here at Averett – her last day is Friday, Aug. 12. Emily has been with the university for 12 years, and started as a public relations assistant before becoming a communications specialist. In her role, Emily has written countless news stories about the happenings around campus, worked with local media members, overseen all university level social media accounts, managed a number of digital and print publication stories and newsletters (including this one!) and much more.

Emily will be working at Smart Beginnings Danville as the director of community engagement. We will miss her and wish her nothing but happiness and success.



holleymcbrideGPS Student Spotlight

Throughout the month the Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS) admissions team interviews and highlights our GPS students. We hope you will enjoy learning more about these amazing members of our Averett family!

Meet Holley McBride, one of our bachelor of business administration students. Holley will graduate in 2019.

Why she chose the GPS Program: “My daughter attends AU and I was extremely impressed with the dedication shown to their students. When an AU representative visited my workplace regarding the GPS program, I was intrigued and surprised to see that it was something I could do while still working full time and being a full time mom.”

What is motivating her to earn her degree: “I wanted to set an example for my children to let them know that education doesn’t stop when you graduate high school. How could I encourage and expect them to do something I hadn’t done myself. Actions speak far louder than words.”

What keeps her motivated: “Feedback from the professors, classmates, friends and family.”

Tip for fellow and future classmates: “Ask questions and seek scholarships. They apply to GPS too.”


cb_announcementsK12_teacher_allianceUniversity Forms new Partnership

Averett University is entering into a partnership with the K-12 Teachers Alliance, which partners with non-profit, fully-accredited colleges and universities across the country to bring high quality education to K-12 teachers and administrators. KTA’s partnerships are exclusive by program and geography, meaning in Virginia, Averett will be their only partner. The organization will be in charge of all marketing, recruiting and advising for the Graduate and Professional Studies MEd programs.

clearance_saleBookstore Clearance!

Come by and shop our ever-expanding clearance section. It’s starting to take over the store!! It’s the perfect time to start gearing up for football season.

You can place orders online and choose Store Pickup. Put your office number in the comments section and we’ll bring it to you. It doesn’t get much easier than that.

laughterWellness Corner

We received great feedback from the attendees of the “Laughter Really is the Best Medicine” Live and Learn held July 20 with Dr. Lynise Anderson. The winners of the gift cards were Karen Oaks, Applebee’s; Nancy Clark, movie tickets; Peggy Adkins and Jennifer Robinson, Subway. Stay tuned for more upcoming events.

save_the_date1Save the Date

Our TIAA-CREF representative will be on campus Tuesday, Sept. 6; Wednesday, Sept. 7; and Thursday, Sept. 8. Check out this flyer for more information.


school_supplies1Donate School Supplies

Friday is the last day to donate school supplies for students. God’s Final Call & Warning, Inc. has teamed up with Three Angels Message Church, one of our Teach It Forward! tutoring sites, to collect school supplies for 1,000 children in need. The start of the school year is just around the corner and many children in our community are not prepared, so we are asking for your help!

There are boxes in four locations on campus where you can drop off your supplies—Averett Central, the fourth floor of the Student Center, Riverview Campus and North Campus.

If you prefer to donate money instead, please put it in inter-office mail or drop it by the CCECC. Click here for more information.

main_hallReminder: RSVP for Opening Event

Today, Wednesday (Aug. 3), is the last day to RSVP for the family picnic at the opening event at the North Campus on Thursday, Aug. 11. If you haven’t already responded to the Punchbowl invitation, please RSVP for yourself and the number of guests (significant others, children) you will be bringing to the picnic by the end of today.

This year’s Opening of the Year Kick-Off session for faculty and staff will be held in the Grant Center on the North Campus, Thursday, August 11, beginning at 3 p.m., and will include important University updates, pinning of new faculty and staff members, “Experience Averett 2020” – an engaging and informative way to get updated on projects that are advancing the Averett 2020 Strategic Plan with a chance to give your feedback, and, an opportunity for you to help welcome students back to the new academic year. Following the opening session, President Franks and Joe will host a picnic for you and your families (to include dinner, children’s activities and tours of the new Frank R. Campbell Stadium), which will begin at 5:15 p.m.
