AU CoffeeBreak 9-14-16

Posted on September 14th, 2016 by Cassie Jones

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information.

Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16 for a Wednesday, Sept. 21 publication.



Dear Averett Family,

Week to Engage will be September 19-24, and I hope you will join me and our students in volunteering during this special time.

Remember, as an Engaged Employer, we hope you will take time off to serve. Volunteering during Week to Engage is the perfect opportunity to take part of, or all, of your eight-hour service leave.

I hope you will not only serve, but also encourage your students to serve, as well.

During our last Week to Engage, more than 100 faculty and staff volunteered, and we hope to see that number grow this year. There are over 1,500 volunteer opportunities available this year. Visit and click on the “Week to Engage” box to sign up for a service project.

With appreciation,

Tiffany Franks


U.S. News & World Report Rankings

award1We have been ranked as the no. 20 best regional liberal arts college in the south this year by U.S. News & World Report, the university’s highest ranking to date! In addition, Averett was named the ninth best regional college in the south for veterans in 2017. Only three Virginia schools made the “2017 Regional Liberal Arts Colleges” list, and Averett was the only to make it in the top 20, retaining its position as the highest ranking Virginia regional college out of 56 total for the south. We are also the only Virginia school to rank among the “2017 Best Colleges for Veterans.” For the full story, click here.

We all have a lot to be proud of!


Brenner Presents at Educational Media and Technology Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia

edmediaIn June, Dr. Aimee Brenner presented a paper at the EdMedia World Conference on Educational Media and Technology in Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada. The paper was entitled “App Smashing: The Transfer of Innovative Multimedia Design from Teacher Education to the Secondary Level Classroom,” and it combined aspects from Brenner’s research on learning transfer and technology integration with a multimedia design project developed in her education courses. The research resulted in implementations of the multimedia project in two local high school classrooms. The project was adapted by two former Averett University teacher education candidates who are now English teachers. The conference was attended by researchers and practitioners from all over the world and provided many opportunities to discuss innovative uses of technology in education.


Student Accolades

Last fall, the Student Life department began recognizing students that go the extra mile in whatever they are doing on campus. Each week, the staff meets to select students for recognition for their dedication to Averett, and they are notified they’ve been nominated for a chance to win a $50 Visa Gift Card. At the end of the semester, we put all the names in a bowl and draw the name of one lucky student. This is our way to let the students know we appreciate all that they do.

This week we would like to recognize Brandon Veasey, Kevin Watford, Maria Ochoa, Ora McMillian, Jawoin Williams and Paige Robbins.



Averett Live and Learn: Making Smart Food Choices

vegetablesMaintaining a healthy diet is much easier than you think, if you know how to make smart food choices. Join Dr. Lynise Anderson for another exciting and informative Live and Learn Session where you will:

  • Discover how to listen to your body to understand its dietary needs
  • Learn strategies to understand and eliminate food cravings
  • Get tips for making healthy food choices in a variety of settings (restaurants, office, travel, vacation, anywhere)
  • Sample a few healthy snacks
  • Collect new recipes for simple, healthy meals
  • Be eligible to win a prize – just for attending!

Please register here to make sure we have enough snacks.


Arts@Averett 2016-17 Schedule

artsataverettAre you a bluegrass fanatic? Or maybe Shakespeare is more your style? Perhaps it’s musical theatre that peaks your interest. Or a brilliant lecture. Whatever form of entertainment you enjoy most, chances are you’ll find it in Averett University’s annual Arts@Averett Series.

Kicking off the season this week is Averett Theatre Department’s Theatre for Young People Show, “Miss Nelson is Missing” in the Pritchett Auditorium on Sept. 15 and 16 at 7 p.m., and Sept. 17 at 2:30 p.m.

For the full schedule and performance details visit the current schedule, and for more information call Averett Central at (434) 791-5600. Tickets may be reserved in advance by calling (434) 791-5867 or purchased at the door.

A Financial Wellness Live and Learn Seminar: Personal Finance – Managing Your Money

Image result for captrustJoin us for a financial wellness live and learn with Beryl Ball, senior vice president and financial advisor with CAPTRUST Advisors, on Thursday, Sept. 15, in the multipurpose room. The same seminar will be scheduled at 10 a.m., noon and 3 p.m. for 45 minutes each.

CAPTRUST serves as the plan advisor for Averett University’s 403(b) plan. Beryl works with the Human Resources Committee as a co-fiduciary to select and monitor plan investments,  oversee plan design, provide fiduciary services for the plan and participants. The program will focus on budgeting and debt management, using credit smartly, insurance, health and college savings and retirement planning. She will also briefly review the plan’s investment options and design.

Senior Pinning

honors_recognitionPresident Tiffany Franks cordially invites faculty and staff to join in honoring seniors at the Senior Pinning Ceremony on Thursday, September 29 at 4 p.m. in the Violet T. Frith Fine Arts Center. A reception at the home of President Dr. Tiffany Franks will immediately follow the ceremony. RSVP by Tuesday, September 20 to [email protected].



Volunteer at Job and Resource Fair for Returning Citizens

WVolunteers1e are in need of 15-20 Averett volunteers to volunteer at the Job and Resource Fair for Returning Citizens on Tuesday, Oct.4, 2016. This is a wonderful opportunity to use part of your Engaged Employers paid service leave! Click here for more information and to sign up on Get Connected.

New Position Postings

jobs1New position openings have been added to our Employment Opportunities web page, including: Camps, Conferences and Special Events Coordinator; Instructional Technologist; Marketing and Communications Specialist; and Enrollment Counselor, GPS. Click here for the full job descriptions.

On-campus Student Employment

jobsimageThe Office of Career Development is now listing on-campus part-time jobs for students. If your department is hiring students (non federal work-study), please send current openings to Angie McAdams at [email protected]. We have several students who are seeking part-time jobs on campus.


Regional Health Summit to be Held at Averett

Health CollaborativeOn September 20, Averett once again will host the Regional Health Summit. Convened by the Health Collaborative, the Summit is a time for residents and professionals to come together, learn, share and exchange ideas that are most important to the region’s health. The Summit is focused on the Health Collaborative’s main goal areas: Active Living, Healthy Eating, Access to Healthcare and Cross-Cutting Approaches.

We will have up to 150 attendees at Averett that day. If you see them on campus, please welcome them!
