AU CoffeeBreak 9-6-17

Posted on September 6th, 2017 by Danielle Staub

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 8, for a Wednesday, Sept. 13, publication.

Kevin Lipscomb promoted to CIO

Congratulations to Kevin Lipscomb who has been promoted to Averett’s chief information officer. Since coming to Averett in December of 2013, and then taking the helm of the IT department in September of 2015, he has been a key leader for the University. His many accomplishments over this time are also testament to his growth in leadership and project management at and for Averett. Kevin embodies what we believe the title of chief information officer means at an institution such as Averett.

We applaud Kevin’s vision, drive and engagement and in reaching this important milestone in his career. We all thank Kevin and his entire IT team for always serving our faculty, staff and students in a professional and caring manner and in helping us move forward on so many critical improvements and initiatives. We all eagerly look forward to the next big things you bring forward.


Criminal Justice Club Fundraiser

Averett University criminal justice students Jasmine Lipscomb, Nicholas Brown and Maya Hairston, with faculty advisor John Wilt, participated in a “50-50” fundraiser at the South Boston Speedway on Aug. 26. Proceeds from the speedway fundraiser will serve as “seed money” for reactivation of the Lambda Chi Omega chapter of the American Criminal Justice Association-Lambda Alpha Epsilon (ACJA-LAE).

Meeting date, time and location for those interested in joining the Lambda Chi Omega chapter will be announced to all CJ students soon. For further information about reactivation of the ACJA-LAE chapter at Averett University and to receive an ACJA-LAE membership application, contact Dr. Steve Wray at (434) 791-5769 or [email protected], Dr. James Hodgson at (434) 791-6881 or [email protected], or John Wilt at (434) 793-3765 or [email protected].

GPS Student Spotlight

Meet Melissa Stockwell-Gregson, a student pursuing her Master of Business Administration degree and is expected to graduate in 2018. To see her on the GPS blog, click here.

QUESTION: Why did you choose Averett’s Graduate and Professional Studies Program?

ANSWER: “I chose Averett’s GPS program because a friend of mine, Sarah Hudson, who is an advisor, began sharing advertisements on Facebook that sparked my interest. I was then able to research the school, ask Sarah questions, and learn more about how the program works. Once I spoke to the wonderful staff at Averett, I knew it would be a great fit for me. I am able to balance a full-time job, with the one-class-at-a-time course load. The unique course plan and professor support have allowed me to really excel, as I hoped it would when I decided to enroll.”

Water Collection for Hurricane Harvey Victims

A big THANK YOU to all who have donated to our collection for Gods Pit Crew! We will be collecting water donations until this Friday, Sept. 8.

Please bring all water and monetary donations to Tammy Jackson, operations coordinator in the Dean of Student’s Office, by Friday. On Friday, the Office of Student Life will be delivering the water to Gods Pits Crew.


LAST CALL! HURRY! We would like to recognize the numerous amounts of campus leaders that we have here at Averett. We will be having a GOLDRUSH parade across the field during the halftime of our football game this Saturday, Sept. 9, which starts at 6 p.m., and would love for our different groups across campus to be a part of it. If you are in charge of a group that would like to participate, please reach out to Courtney Leddy at [email protected].

Systemic Stress Management Program

Averett Wellness invites you to participate in the Systemic Stress Management Program. This is a six-session program to allow participants to take personal responsibility and greater control in stress management. Participants will receive a kit with a workbook, Real Relaxation CD, Thought Zapper Wristband and a Biofeedback Relaxation System Card. Sessions will be delivered biweekly through prerecorded webinars beginning in September.

Program participants who are active in beBetter will receive wellness points for attending the monthly sessions. Registration is Aug. 29 – Sept. 7. You can check out this video to get an introduction of the program before you register. Please click here to register.

Sign Up for Week to Engage!

Week to Engage is next week, Sept.10-16, and all Averett faculty and staff are invited to volunteer. Click here to start exploring projects. Thank you to the Business Office and the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership for already signing up for a project!

Remember that Week to Engage is a great time to use your engaged employers paid service leave. More information can be found on the intranet. Also, if you are unable to volunteer, please continue to encourage students to sign up. Happy volunteering!

Medicare Program Presentation

Please consider joining Carolyn B. Smith, president & CEO of The Marketplace Insurance Agency & ElderCare Associates, Inc., for an informative workshop on Medicare. Respond to Kathie Tune of your interest in order to make sure we have a packet for each attendee. The workshop will take place on Monday, Sept. 11, in the Carrington Conference Room from 5-7 p.m.

Historical Marker Unveiling

Averett University’s Main Hall has been accepted to receive a Virginia Historical Marker! The marker will be installed over the coming week, and you are invited to the unveiling event on Monday, Sept. 18, at 11 a.m. in front of Main Hall. Join Dr. Tiffany Franks, Danville Mayor John Gilstrap and the Virginia Department of Historical Resources as we celebrate the historical impact and legacy of Averett’s iconic Main Hall.

Study Abroad Fair!

Please encourage your students to stop by the annual Averett Study Abroad Fair on Tuesday, Sept. 19, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the multipurpose room. Representatives from Averett’s affiliates, faculty and students who have studied abroad will be there to answer questions and present their programs. New this year, representatives from service-learning, financial aid and career services will be there to help maximize the study abroad opportunities. We’ll also have a passport table so students can get started right away. Refreshments will be served.

Study Abroad will also have a table set up on Thursday, Sept. 14, during Sophomore Success Week for a preview. We’ll have information on applying for a passport, entering our prize raffle and making the most out of the college adventure. Please contact the Study Abroad office at [email protected] with any questions.

TIAA-CREF Representative on Campus

Have you set up your appointment yet? Please consider meeting with Matt Meade, our TIAA representative, who will be on campus to discuss your retirement plan and future retirement income needs. He welcomes anyone thinking about joining the Averett plan or who is planning their retirement in the next few years. All Averett employees (part or full time, non-student) are eligible to join the Averett retirement plan. Meade will be on campus Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 19 and 20. Click here for additional information or to make an appointment.

God’s Storehouse Needs Your Help to Shred Hunger

Please come celebrate God’s Storehouse by shredding your documents, taking a tour of the facility and maybe becoming a recurring volunteer!! The Shred Hunger event is taking place Saturday, Sept. 23, from 9 a.m. to noon. Monetary or food donations are welcome.

You can volunteer for the event to help God’s Storehouse spread awareness of volunteerism and how crucial the organization is for the area. It’s the volunteers that allow this organization to bring life and food to our area. Volunteers are needed to man the tables outside, distribute literature, collect monetary and food donations and possibly assist with the shredding. If you have any questions, please contact Kamrin Johnson, enrollment administrative assistant GPS, at (434) 791-7134, or Karen Harris, director of God’s Storehouse, at (434) 793-3663.  Click here to sign up on Get Connected.

Business Card Orders

It’s the start of a new semester, and it’s also that time when you start realizing you’re low on business cards. All business cards (other than athletics) are ordered through the Department of Marketing and Communications and we’ve made it as easy as possible for you. Simply click here or search for “business card” on the website and fill out the form. This ensures that we don’t mis-read a hand-written form and helps us keep track of the orders. Thanks!

Mindset Minute: Averett’s QEP

Have you helped a student think with a growth mindset today? Need ideas for encouraging students? Each week we will provide a snapshot into the world of growth mindset research and practice through “Mindset Minute,” where you can check back for tips!

Growth Mindset Tip of the Week: Try different tactics. There is no one-size-fits-all model for learning. What works for one person may not work for you.

