Averett CoffeeBreak 11-11-2020

Posted on November 11th, 2020 by Matt Bell

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form. For the next CoffeeBreak, please submit by Friday, Nov. 13, for a Wednesday, Nov. 18, publication.

Spring Break Update

After consulting with faculty and hearing from students, it was decided to reinstate Spring Break as originally scheduled. Having five sprinkled “mental health days” was just too confusing and would not have much of a positive effect. We will continue to encourage responsible and healthy behavior among students during the Spring Break. Thank you to all for your feedback.

Come Join our Commencement Team

Staff volunteers are needed to help with Commencement on Saturday, Dec. 12, at 1 p.m. (Inclement weather date is Sunday, Dec. 13, at 1 p.m.), which will be held on Daly Field at Frank R. Campbell Stadium, E. Stuart James Grant North Campus. Commencement is being held outside to ensure social distancing and compliance with COVID-19 guidelines. If you are interested in helping, please contact Mary Sullivan, [email protected], for more information. Thank you.

Health and Safety Reminders

Help keep our campus community safe! Don’t forget to wear your face coverings and to complete a quick health self-check each day before reporting for in-person work. This process can now be completed using your LiveSafe app!

Also, check out our COVID-19 Alert webpage to access our dashboard that tracks the latest campus information related to COVID-19. It will be updated every business day, and it reflects student and employee information.

Finally, for questions on any COVID-19 matters join Kathie Tune for a question and answer virtual meeting each Thursday from 10-11:30 a.m. Click here to join the Campus Q&A Zoom Meeting. If you would like to dial in by using your phone, please email [email protected] from your Averett assigned email account and the password for access will be sent directly to your Averett email address within 24 hours.

Welcome Hannah Glass to Student Financial Services

I am pleased to announce that Hannah Glass, a spring 2020 Averett graduate, accepted the position of student financial services counselor in student accounts. She began work on October 19. I am confident that Hannah will be a strong asset to the Student Financial Services Team. Hannah is located in Main 125 and can be reached at extension 15610 or [email protected].

Please take a moment to say hello when you have a chance.

– Carl Bradsher, director of student financial services

Employee Promotions

Kara Hankins, Assistant Director of Financial Aid/VA Certifying Official

We are pleased to announce the promotion of Kara Hankins from senior student financial services counselor/VA certifying official to assistant director of financial aid/VA certifying official. Kara has been with Averett for seven years and has been an invaluable member of our team. In her new role, she will oversee and supervise the traditional financial aid day-to-day processes and continue the lead in certifying veterans’ benefits.


Kelsey Blanks, Student Accounts Manager

We are pleased to announce the promotion of Kelsey Blanks from student financial services counselor to student accounts manager. Kelsey has been with Averett for three years and has been an invaluable member of our team. In her new role, she will oversee and supervise the student accounts office’s day-to-day processes.



Sherry Taylor, Senior Student Financial Services Counselor (Student Accounts)

We are pleased to announce the promotion of Sherry Taylor from student financial services counselor to senior student financial services counselor in student accounts. Sherry began her employment at Averett one year ago and has been an invaluable member of our team. In her new role, she will oversee the day-to-day processes of the online/GPS student accounts.



Please join me in congratulating each of our colleagues highlighted above for their outstanding contributions to Averett and wishing each of them the very best with their new responsibilities.

– Carl Bradsher, director of student financial services

Open Enrollment Q&A

This is a friendly reminder to check in with Kathie Tune or Tammy Wall with your open enrollment questions. In order to address your questions and concerns, we have another Zoom meeting today, Nov. 11, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. We want to ensure that you have every opportunity to understand our benefit plans and all of your choices for 2021. Use this link to register to connect for the benefits coordinator meeting.

Kathie Tune is also available every Thursday from 10-11:30 a.m. via Zoom. Use this link to register for that meeting.

Benefits-eligible employees are required to enroll in the Benefitsolver.com portal for their 2021 health, dental and vision benefits. The company key is cicv.

Presidential Fireside Chat on Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Averett’s Centers of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Community Engagement and Career Competitiveness are co-sponsoring our first-in-a-series fireside chat on What Have We Learned about Resiliency in 2020? Lessons from Entrepreneurs, Business, University and Government Leaders on Monday, Nov. 16, from 6-7 p.m. in Pritchett Auditorium. The event is limited to the first 100 guests who register by emailing [email protected], or via Zoom by clicking here. You may also scan the QR code on the attached poster at left.

Panelists include:

Dr. Tiffany Franks – president of Averett University
John Vigouroux – chief entrepreneurship and innovation officer at Averett
Sheila Hill-Christian – managing director at Fahrenheit Advisors & Averett trustee
William Kilmer – managing partner at C5 Capital
Alvaro Jimenez – president of Averett’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Club

Click here for more details.

University Branding Survey

Last week you received an email from President Tiffany Franks inviting you to participate in an important project underway at Averett. We have retained Carnegie Dartlet, a leading reputation strategy firm, to conduct a consensus-building research project focused on promoting communication clarity and alignment for the institution. Their original methodology has been delivered at universities across the country with great success. The fundamental questions Carnegie Dartlet will answer are: Who is Averett University at its best? What does Averett University need to communicate to be most effective?

The confidential survey is the first step, to be followed by interactive live workshops via Zoom, to begin defining the human personality and story of Averett. It will take about 15 minutes to complete. The survey is open for just another week until Monday, Nov. 16. Your voice will help shape the University’s communication platform for years to come. Please take the time to participate in this important work.

Golden Bagel Nominations Wanted!

Please send any nominations for this November’s Golden Bagel award to the Staff Council at [email protected].




Halloween Contest Winners

The Staff Council Events Committee wants to thank all who participated in the event, even if we couldn’t have our traditional Halloween get together. Thank you!

Individual: Liz Cervantes as the Bishop of the Dead








Group Costumes: Admissions team as Mario Kart








Pet Costume: Katie Johnston’s Georgia as the spicy taco







Virtual Background Winner: Lisa Stewart





Help our Response Rate – NASCE

Colleagues, our response rate is only 10 percent right now. We need your competitive spirit to kick in and help us succeed! Please encourage your students to complete the NASCE Survey.

As part of the National Assessment of Service and Community Engagement (NASCE), all Averett University students are invited to take this short survey at siena.edu/scri/averettnasce (or use the attached QR code).

Regardless of their participation in service and community engagement, their opinions and experiences are important. Results contribute to a growing understanding of service and community engagement by undergraduate students here at Averett and at colleges and universities across the country.

All Averett University students who complete the survey have the opportunity to win CCECC swag, and the first 10 students to complete the survey have the opportunity to claim a $10 Starbucks gift card.

God’s Storehouse Seeking Volunteers

God’s Storehouse food pantry needs volunteers for a variety of tasks. Shifts vary from 1.5-4 hours Mondays through Thursdays. You can sign up for a shift at serve365.org or email [email protected] for more information. Please note that we are taking precautions against COVID-19 and aim to provide a safe space for volunteers, customers and staff. We can’t wait for you to join us in serving our community!

As a reminder, permanent full-time Averett employees are eligible for up to eight hours of volunteer service leave per year.

Who are the Outstanding Alumni?

In the alumni office, we are working to connect alumni with Averett and renewing our search for influential alumni with a special initiative. These are alumni who deserve awards or who could be supporting Averett with a monetary gift. Please take a moment to think of five alumni who love Averett and send those names to Dan Hayes by email or interoffice mail.

Donate to Averett Today

Averett counts on financial gifts from alumni and friends to support the growth of the University without putting the load on student tuition. Faculty and staff giving is crucial to building the momentum for that success. The ability to say that our faculty and staff are supporting the mission of Averett is so valuable to building the excitement. To make it a game, we will do a drawing from all the faculty and staff donors. It isn’t about how much you give, just that you give! Your $10 can be worth $10,000 to Averett! If you have any questions, contact Dan Hayes by email.

Averett 101: Through the Eyes of Freshmen

During every Averett 101 class each fall semester, the students go to the president’s house and enjoy a dinner with Dr. Franks and her husband, Joe. During that time, Dr. Franks asks the students what they love about Averett, and if they have any concerns. Throughout the year, we will be sharing some of the comments students shared with Dr. Franks and Joe about Averett!

“I feel comfortable on campus.”
“I love my classes and the professors.”
“The biology department ROCKS.”
“Professors keep in touch.”
“Softball team and staff.”
“Counseling services are great.”
“Taco Tuesday and Fried Chicken Wednesday.”
“Everyone is here to help.”
“The tutors work with my schedule.”
“Volleyball, art classes and aviation are all great.”
