Averett CoffeeBreak 11-16-22

Posted on November 16th, 2022 by Matt Bell

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form. For the next CoffeeBreak, please submit by Friday, Nov. 18, for a Wednesday, Nov. 23, publication.

Farewell, Katie Johnston!

Katie Johnston, interim director of enrollment services, has been an asset to Averett for over seven years. Among other successes here, she has helped launch the Moving The Needle initiative, brought innovation and problem-solving to Averett Central, provided leadership to the efficiency of the check-in process and helped our Veteran students secure access to their benefits.

Katie will continue to work part-time beginning November 28 as we work on a succession plan. A reception will be held for Katie on Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 3 p.m. in the Welcome Center in Main Hall. Please take a moment to thank Katie for her service here and continued commitment to Averett, and wish her the best in her new career in higher education technology!

Welcoming Chrissy Dix to Education

The Education Department welcomes Chrissy Dix as its new executive assistant. Chrissy’s first day in the department will be Monday, Nov. 28.

Chrissy has worked at Averett for three years, first as a traditional admissions specialist and most recently as an admissions coordinator for Averett Online.

Please take a moment to come by her new office on the second floor of Frith Hall to congratulate her!



Last Day for Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment is open until 1 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 17.

Each year, Averett University and other member institutions in the Virginia Private College Benefit Consortium (VPCBC) conducts an Open Enrollment process. Open Enrollment allows benefits eligible employees to decide which medical, dental and vision benefit plan they elect for health insurance coverage the upcoming calendar year. This year’s time frame is open now through 1 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 17. Take a look at the 2023 Averett University Benefits Guide that incorporates all of the programs available to you through our consortium plan by clicking here.

For additional information, contact Pam Paynter and remember to Zoom in with Pam this week if you have questions or simply need more information to enroll in your benefits! Email Pam with any questions.

The 2023 Fringe Facts flyer is located at this link.

Arts@Averett: Broadway is Back!

Broadway is Back!You don’t want to miss this! Broadway is Back as presented by the Averett University Department of Theatre Thursday, Nov. 17, through Sunday, Nov. 20. A Musical Revue which includes some of the most beloved songs of Broadway. An evening sure to entertain and delight.

Averett students, faculty and staff receive FREE admission.

For tickets, visit averett.booktix.com.

Happening Now: Averett Fall Semester Student Art Exhibition

The Averett Fall Semester Student Art Exhibition is happening now through Friday, Dec. 2, daily from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Mary B. Blount Library.

The Averett Art Department would like to extend an invitation to the public and to the Averett Family to view the fall 2022 art exhibition showcasing work from the drawing, printing and ceramics classes. This particular exhibition is dedicated to the late Robert Marsh (1944-2022).

Professor Robert Marsh came to Danville, Va. in 1969 to teach at the then all-girls school, Averett College. He had a terminal degree in studio art from the University of Mississippi. Robert, known by his students as Professor Marsh, taught at Averett for 53 years. He was also a professional artist and well known locally, regionally and nationally. He was the 1984 recipient of the W.C. Bradley Fellowship. He was described as one of Virginia’s most distinguished artists. His work has been shown in galleries and museums across the country. Beloved by his students and colleagues, Robert’s endless enthusiasm and wry sense of humor have been enjoyed by all who knew him.

Students concentrated this fall semester on drawings and prints (landscape/portraits/abstract and figures) as well as wheel thrown ceramics. Print processes utilized illustrate the techniques of intaglio and collagraph printing while the students in drawing focused on traditional methods of pencil, charcoal as well as pen and ink drawing. Postmodern two-dimensional and three-dimensional work continues the conversation about an artistic movement that took place from the 1960s to the 1990s which rejected modern art and idealism. Associated with philosophical critique, it defied categorization, yet encompassed many styles such as pop art, conceptual art, neo-expressionism, feminist art and works by Young British Artists (YBA). Postmodernism used popular culture to inspire artistic creations and each postmodernist work was an individual reflection of the artist and art history.

This exhibition focuses on new ways of looking – the printing and drawing classes specifically concentrated on microscopic views and macro or satellite photographs to inspire compositions. Please leave a comment, and feedback in the book provided in the library. The final day of this exhibition will be Friday, Dec. 2. The library is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Celebrate Thanksgiving

Join Averett Home Food Co. for a Thanksgiving celebration Thursday, Nov. 17, for lunch in The Cougar Den.

If you do not currently have a dining plan, the price for lunch is $7.63.

World Film Series: “Ash is Purest White”

Join us for the second film  in the World Film Series, Jia Zhang-ke’s “Ash is Purest White” (2018). The film is beautiful and tragic, and it was quite controversial because it depicts not only China’s mafia underworld, but also its prisons. It will be screened on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 6:30 p.m. in Blount Chapel.

Anyone and everyone is invited. This is a community engagement activity for the Averett Family and is not only for my history students, but of course the film is being shown for educational purposes. Dell’Anno’s pizza and sodas will be provided, as well as a brief introduction and contextualization of the film’s story.

LAST CHANCE! Averett Shoes Holiday Order ENDS THIS WEEK!

Averett Athletics will be running a Holiday Shoe Order ending Friday, Nov. 18! Show off your Cougar Pride by sporting these one-of-a-kind Averett University branded shoes. This is a limited time offer with an order deadline this Friday. You can purchase these shoes by opening the attached PDF and clicking on the “ORDER FORM” button. All shoes will be delivered to Averett Athletics North Campus on approximately Dec. 14, just in time for the holidays! Since these shoes are custom ordered, there will not be an opportunity for refunds or exchanges.



Angel Tree Celebration

Join us for our annual Angel Tree Celebration on Monday, Nov. 28, from 5-6:30 p.m. in Carrington Gym.

Angels should be returned by Tuesday, Nov. 22.

If you have any questions, please email Tia Yancey.

Volunteers Needed for Late Night Breakfast

As we near the end of this semester, we gain another opportunity to fellowship with our student body. On Wednesday, Nov. 30, from 10 p.m.-midnight, we will have Late Night Breakfast in the Cougar Den. As you know, we have a new dining service provider so this may look a little different this year, however, we will need volunteers as always. Email Nate Lake if you wish to volunteer that night or if you have any further questions.


Join Us for a Christmas Party!

Averett faculty, staff and retirees (plus a guest) are invited for a Christmas Party hosted by Tiffany and Joe Franks on Thursday, Dec. 8, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at 500 Hawthorne Drive.

Please respond to Cyndie Basinger at [email protected], and include your guest’s name.




Commencement Volunteers Needed

If you would like to volunteer to help with the December commencement, please email Debbie Pike. We need volunteers to help collect tickets, seat special guests, wear the Cougar costume and to help out where needed. Graduation will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 10, and volunteers are needed from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


Tuition Remission Form

A reminder to complete and submit your Tuition Remission form (available here) if you, your spouse or a dependent are planning on enrolling in spring and/or summer classes 2023.

Call or email Kathie Tune ([email protected]) with your questions.  The forms are due by the ADD/DROP date of each semester or they may not be accepted.

Soon, the form will be available on the HR SharePoint drive.

VTAG: Help Our Students

Help our Virginia Students!

Every Virginia resident receives $4,500 in the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (VTAG) to attend Averett University. In order to keep these funds available for students and at its current amount, we need your help! Please take five minutes of your time to write an electronic “Thank you for VTAG” note to your legislative body.  It is important for our leaders to know how important this grant is for our students and families.

  1. Please go here: https://www.votervoice.net/CICV/campaigns/98386/respond
  2. Put in your correct address
  3. Once your address and local officials are input, click the “Take Action” button toward the top. This will lead you to the page you can write in (in 2 boxes now) to your specific legislators and tell them how much we need VTAG. Make sure when you finish, at the bottom, under College Affiliation to put: Averett University.

You may also stop by the cafeteria and fill out your letter during lunch in the coming week with Admissions/Financial Aid.

Talking Points

  • Introduce yourself. Students should mention where they attend college, major and future career plans. Parents should provide some general information about themselves, along with the college, major and future career plans of their children attending a Virginia private college. Alumni should mention their alma mater and current career information.
  • Thank them for their support of TAG. The current TAG award is $4,500 for undergraduate students • VERY IMPORTANT:  Strongly urge the Governor and General Assembly to make TAG a priority by increasing TAG funding in the budget. Virginia’s private colleges strongly encourage the Governor to increase funding to the TAG award.

Averett Announces $504,000 Gift from Caesars Virginia

Averett University announced last week a major gift from Caesars Virginia, a joint venture between Caesars Entertainment (“Caesars”) and Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (“EBCI”), signaling a significant investment in the hospitality and tourism future of the region.

Caesars Virginia is providing Averett with $504,000 to develop a hospitality and tourism academic program – one of only a handful of four-year programs of its kind in Virginia. Additionally, Averett also announced the selection of hospitality industry veteran Thomas Perugini as the program’s inaugural director. To read more, click here.

Have Questions about Your Retirement Accounts and Financial Planning?

Millennium Advisory Services is scheduling virtual meetings with a financial advisor (Tom Siebers) from Millennium Advisory Services. Here a few really good reasons to meet with a financial advisor from Millennium. They can:

  • Answer questions about your retirement account.
  • Discuss if you should consider moving your old retirement accounts to the current retirement plan contract.
  • Provide financial planning and be a resource to help you make decisions regarding your retirement accounts. Use the scheduling link here or contact them directly at the information listed.

For more, click here. You can also reach Millennium’s Scheduling Team at [email protected] or by phone at 877-435-2489.

Averett 110: In the Eyes of First Year Students

President Franks and Joe Franks are continuing the tradition of hosting Averett 110 classes for dinners at the President’s House this fall. Please see some of the positive comments that were shared at recent dinners:

“Professors are really helpful.”
“Easy to meet new people here – lots of interaction.”
“It’s convenient to schedule tutoring.”
“It’s easy to get the help I need.”
“Everybody wants to help me.”
“The teachers are nice and hands-on.”
“The whole Averett family is real – friendly people and I feel the love.”
“I like the freedom and independence of being in college.”
“There is a close feel in the community.”
“Averett coaches really work with you.”

Wear Blue for Diabetes, and Attend Our Clinic!

On Thursday, Nov. 17, Averett’s Health Services will be holding a Diabetes Awareness event at the entrance of the Student Success Center from 12:30-2:30 p.m. Click the flyer at left for more information.


Biometric Screening and Flu Shots Tomorrow

Biometric screenings and flu shots are available on campus tomorrow, Nov.17, from 11:15 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the MPR. The biometric screening schedule is full at this time, but there could be cancellations and walk-ins will be accepted. We still have flu shot openings, as well. Details can be found here.

Don’t forget that you can earn points toward those gift cards by participating in this clinic, and we have Subway gift cards or an option for a lunch in the Cougar Den. All attendees will also have a chance to win a $50 gift card.

Call or email Kathie Tune at 434.791.7106 or [email protected] for updates.

Wellness Updates

We want to shout out all of you who participated in the invitational step challenge and are now participating in the Water Challenge! Kudos for taking your wellbeing into your own hands!

Also, for the active participators, be on the lookout for some gift card rewards coming soon. Make sure to enter the rewards tab in the wellness portal and check off any activities that you may have completed through 2022. Award points will be tallied at the end of the year on December 31 at midnight, so get your points in before then! We will let you all know the results in January 2023.
