Averett CoffeeBreak 4-8-2020

Posted on April 8th, 2020 by Matt Bell

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form. For the next CoffeeBreak, please submit by Friday, April 10, for a Wednesday, April 15, publication.

Easter Wishes

Dear Colleagues,

In observance of the Easter traditions, Averett University will be closed for Good Friday on April 10. May you use this opportunity to disconnect, step away from your remote workspaces and take time to reconnect with those you hold most dear.

Even in this unique period of uncertainty, signs of hope and life anew surround us. Spring blossoms are in full bloom, reminding us of God’s promise of renewal.

I hope you’ll continue to practice self-care for your mind, body and spirit, and wish you and your families a blessed and joyful Easter weekend.

President Tiffany Franks

Averett Online Prayer Service

Virtually join Averett University Spiritual Life along with President Dr. Tiffany M. Franks and a few faculty and staff members as we pause to pray together for one another and for our world. Tune into the Averett University Spiritual Life Facebook page at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 10, to watch live.

The Great Colleges Survey extended to April 10

The Great Colleges to Work For survey has been extended to Friday, April 10. Our institution is participating in this study designed to gather benchmarking data within higher education and to recognize institutions that have built great workplaces.

Check your spam file if you cannot find the link in your email.

Thank you to those of you who have already completed the survey! We appreciate you taking the time to share your views and opinions.

If you have not yet completed the survey, please take a moment to share your valuable feedback. The survey is completely voluntary and the institution will not be able to identify the results of individuals. The survey results play a significant factor in determining which institutions are recognized in the Great Colleges Program.

Whether or not our institution is recognized, we can learn from the feedback and make improvements for our future. We encourage everyone’s participation! A high response rate helps ensure an accurate representation of our community.

Thank you in advance for your participation. For questions, contact HR Director Kathie Tune at [email protected] or 434-791-7106 or visit www.GreatCollegesProgram.com.

Share Your Workspace from Home

With a large number of faculty and staff members now working from home, share a photo with us of your home workspace. Submissions can be made by sending them via this form. In the subject line, write “Home Workspace.” Be sure to also include your name, job title and department, as well as a short line about your space.

Janet Phillips, assistant professor of music, shared this photo of her workspace and said, “I’ve had a desk set up in the bedroom for years, so the space was no issue. As you can see, I have a couple of assistants who are the best part of working at home, but I really miss seeing my students!”








Special Events Coordinator Lynnette Lawson in Institutional Advancement shared this photo of her workspace from home in her dining room.




Donna Gourley, executive assistant to the vice president for Institutional Advancement, shared this photo of her workspace, saying “My work setup is located in my beloved craft room at the opposite end of the table from where I typically sit to create.”


Virtual Internship Opportunities

As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and extended travel restrictions, several Averett Study Abroad office partners are offering virtual internships with companies overseas this summer.

As an intern working virtually, students will be placed with an international company, report to a supervisor abroad and work with colleagues via online platforms. Virtual internships abroad offer the opportunity to gain valuable résumé experience, build a global professional network and expand their skill set while staying local this summer.

Contact Dr. Clark at [email protected] for more information.

Morning Meditation – Mindful Moments

Call in and join Averett Online for morning meditation from 8:30-8:45 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays through Friday, May 1.

Morning meditation releases stress, clears our thoughts and gives us the best opportunity to be alert, awake and fully alive before “doing” anything. Jump on the call, mute your phones and take 15 minutes to achieve calmness and peace of mind before starting your day. Meditation can help us manage our home and work lives more skillfully.

Call-in information:
US: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 959 973 004

Millennium Advisory Services

As a reminder to all employees concerned about the recent stock market volatility, Millennium Advisory Services is available to speak individually with all interested employees who have questions about:

•       Discussing changes in the financial markets;
•       Going through Millennium’s financial planning process offered to all employees; and
•       Retaining Millennium for professional fee-based investment management of their retirement plan account(s).

If you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss your retirement account or go through Millennium’s financial planning process, contact Millennium’s Scheduling Team at 877-435-2489 (option 1), or via email at [email protected], or click here: https://www04.timetrade.com/app/mas/workflows/MAS002/schedule/?locationId=mas-phone-call&appointmentTypeGroupId=program&appointmentTypeId=virtual-meeting&[email protected].

All employees are offered the opportunity to meet privately with an advisor to go through Millennium’s financial planning process and receive a personalized financial plan. This goal-based financial planning process is intended to help provide guidance on issues such as how your retirement account should be invested, how much you should be saving for retirement and whether you are on track to reach your personal retirement goals. Spouses/significant others are encouraged to participate as well! Questions? Contact Debbie Lovings, scheduling coordinator at Millennium Advisory Services, Inc., at 804-346-1040 or 877-435-2489.

Cougar Nation Discount Program Addition

Piedmont Mechanical and HVAC Services has joined our Cougar Nation Discount Program. They are offering a 10% discount on labor to students, faculty, staff and alumni. This discount is on labor only or quoted jobs. This discount cannot be combined with any other discounts or offers.

They are also offering an amazing Spring Special deal of $69 for HVAC system tune-ups. Reach out today to get your HVAC system ready for the summer at 434-549-0939 or email: [email protected].

