Averett CoffeeBreak 5-13-2020

Posted on May 13th, 2020 by Matt Bell

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form. For the next CoffeeBreak, please submit by Friday, May 15, for a Wednesday, May 20, publication.

Matt Bell Wins Virginia Press Association Awards

Marketing and Communications Specialist Matt Bell recently received two first-place awards from the Virginia Press Association for breaking news photography and breaking news writing while with the Star-Tribune in Chatham during 2019.

“What an honor it is to receive these awards. A lot of hard work and time went into those news stories,” Bell said.

This is the fifth consecutive year Bell has received VPA awards, competing with journalists and photographers from across the state. His 2019 awards were for Bell’s coverage of two homicide investigations, one in Blairs, Va. in January, and one in Keeling, Va. in August.

Please congratulate him on these achievements!

Article by Dr. Sergey Samoilenko Published

Dr. Sergey Samoilenko published the article, “Flip Side of the Coin: Negative Socio-Economic Implications of ICT” in the journal “Business and Economic Research.” The paper was based on the invited talk Samoilenko gave last summer at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

For anyone interested, a copy of the manuscript is attached.

Notice of Data Breach Letters are Legitimate

Thank you for your questions and efforts to ensure the legitimacy of the letters sent to employees who were affected by the data breach.

Each Averett employee, full-time or part-time, will or has already received a “NOTICE OF DATA BREACH” that is signed by Kevin Lipscomb, CIO. This letter is a legitimate communication making you aware, as an Averett employee, of a data security incident at our third-party pay stub provider, PaperlessPay Corporation. To be clear, this is not a breach of Averett’s information technology security, but rather one of our vendors.

If you have questions, please reach out to the call center number listed within the communication. They will advise as to the next steps in the process.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Optional Virtual Visits with Dr. Franks Continue

Please feel free to join me by Zoom on Friday, May 15, from 11 a.m. to noon, if you would like to connect, have questions or want to visit with your colleagues. This optional time can’t make up for our informal visits in the hallways or at games or events, but it is one way we can try to keep in touch.

The Zoom info for May 15 is below for those who would like to join. Email Cyndie Basinger at [email protected] for questions.

Dial-in number (US): +13126266799,,98988561130# or +16465588656,,98988561130# 
Meeting ID: 989 8856 1130
Join online: https://averett.zoom.us/j/98988561130

We received feedback that the Zoom meetings should continue for faculty and staff beyond this Friday. The additional dates are Fridays, May 22, June 5, June 19 and June 26 from 11 a.m. to noon.

For those dates, use the Zoom information below.

Dial-in number (US): +13017158592,,94658377149# or +13126266799,,94658377149#
Meeting ID: 946 5837 7149
Join online: https://averett.zoom.us/j/94658377149


New Staff Council Member Voting

Remember to vote! An email with the survey was sent to your inbox earlier this week. If you haven’t already, please complete the survey by selecting one person from each group and submitting. This survey should take less than three minutes, so please participate!

The six new Staff Council members will be announced during the Thursday, May 21, staff meeting. Thank you!

Morning Meditation – Mindful Moments

Call in and join Averett Online for morning meditation from 8:30-8:45 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays through Friday, June 5.

Morning meditation releases stress, clears our thoughts and gives us the best opportunity to be alert, awake and fully alive before “doing” anything. Jump on the call, mute your phones and take 15 minutes to achieve calmness and peace of mind before starting your day. Meditation can help us manage our home and work lives more skillfully.

Call-in information:
US: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 959 973 004

Virtual Career Fair

Averett University is pleased to provide our students, upcoming graduates and alumni a Virtual Career Fair on Wednesday, May 27, from 1-3 p.m. Please encourage students to register for the fair by Tuesday, May 26. Students with questions should email Angie McAdams or Ryan Taube.

All Things Zoom

Faculty and staff may request a free Zoom license as part of Averett’s Education Zoom plan. To request an account, faculty should contact Marietta Sanford at [email protected] and staff should contact Carly Pearce at [email protected].

If you would like some additional one-on-one Zoom training, please schedule a time with the Averett Online team by clicking on the appointment link provided or refer to Averett’s Zoom resource website.

In addition, Zoom is now integrated into Canvas. The Canvas-Zoom integration allows instructors to schedule online meetings from within Canvas and is available in all Canvas sites. Instructions on how to integrate Zoom into your Canvas course can be found at the following link.

Boys and Girls Clubs Non-Perishable Food Drive

The Boys and Girls Clubs of the Danville Area has asked us for any assistance we can provide for the 200 students they serve every two weeks. They are in need of canned goods and snacks in addition to their SAFE (Structural Academic Fun Enrichment) kits for their members and parents.

The CCECC will gladly serve as the hub to get materials to them. If you leave them near the door at the CCECC, we will collect them and get things organized. Thanks for your help!

A big thank you to Averett faculty and staff who have already donated items.

Please contact Tia Yancey at [email protected] for more information.

Academic Support: Summer Tutoring

Academic Support will provide summer tutoring through NetTutor, which is available 24/7 through students’ Canvas account. NetTutor is free and easy to use, and every major subject area is covered by an online tutor. Email [email protected] for additional questions.
