Averett CoffeeBreak 8-17-22

Posted on August 17th, 2022 by Matt Bell

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form. For the next CoffeeBreak, please submit by Friday, Aug. 19, for a Wednesday, Aug. 24, publication.

Admissions Office Announces Promotions

Averett University’s Office of Admissions is happy to announce two recent promotions.

Sara Hodges ’14, has been promoted from assistant director to associate director of admissions in the Traditional Admissions Office. Sara brings years of recruiting, campus visit strategies and a high level of customer service to the University and our local students. In addition to recruiting, Sara currently sits on staff council and multiple University projects. We are excited to have Sara in this expanded role.




Clarice LaBua ’18 has been promoted from senior admissions counselor to assistant director of admissions in the Traditional Admissions Office. Starting as a student worker, Clarice’s years of experience and unmatched energy bring a passion to the position and to our Averett families. Clarice will begin working with our transfer student population, and we are eager to see excitement continue with that position.

Congratulations, Sara and Clarice!



Saying Goodbye to Stephanie Mullins

It is with great gratitude that we wish Stephanie Mullins ’83 well as she chooses to part from her time at Averett. Stephanie is an alumna of Averett and has worked for the admissions offices for over 30 years. She has touched many students’ lives over her time in traditional admissions and Averett Online, and all her colleagues express many thanks for her expertise.

Stephanie shares, “I have genuinely enjoyed being part of Averett University for the past 30 years, and I will always be thankful for the numerous opportunities Averett has given me.  While I look forward to spending more time with my family, I will greatly miss the team and my colleagues across all departments.”

Welcome Debbie Pike to Academic Affairs

Please stop by Main 208 and welcome Debbie Pike to her new office and new role as the executive assistant to the vice president for academic affairs. Debbie has been with Averett since 2011 as the administrative assistant in the School of Nursing. We are fortunate to have Debbie, who brings years of experience with Averett’s systems, policies and customer service.


Welcome Victor Hernandez to Student Success

We are very excited to announce that Victor Hernandez ’21, will be joining the Student Success team as our newest student success coach. While earning his bachelor’s degree in marketing management, Victor was a member of Averett’s football team, Brother4Brother and the Black Student Union. He will bring a fresh perspective to the important student success work and a wealth of knowledge as a recent graduate. In his time away from work, Victor enjoys cooking, golf, praising God and spending time in nature.



Leadership Southside Announces the Class of 2022-2023

The Chamber of Commerce recently announced the Leadership Southside Class of 2022-2023, acknowledging Dr. Tonitta McNeal as a member of that class.

Dr. McNeal serves as program director for Averett Online’s business programs. She supports the University’s mission through proactive coaching and mentoring of adjunct faculty; building strong, competitive programs; and guiding students along their educational journeys. Dr. McNeal earned a Doctorate of Management and a Master of Science in management, and has over 10 years of higher education administration experience in online and hybrid learning environments. She has a strong commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education stemming from her passion for life-long learning.

The Leadership Southside program develops participants’ leadership skills to strengthen their role as an individual, and a professional community member. Averett has participated for many years, supporting the development of emerging leaders each year.

Congratulations, Dr. McNeal!

Dining Hall Updates

Bookstore Deadline for Students

All traditional students are automatically enrolled in Averett All ACCESS for their course materials, except online courses. Students have until Friday, Aug. 26, to make any changes to their ACCESS account. Please see a bookstore associate for assistance. Students who do not opt out of the ALL ACCESS program will be charged.

Averett’s bookstore is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Health and Counseling Services New Hours

Health and Counseling Services have new hours this semester, including evening times twice a week.

Their new hours are as follows:
Monday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Tuesday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Thursday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m.-noon.

Please note that Counseling Services begins at 8:30 a.m., but the nurse is in at 8 a.m. daily.

Weekly hours for the nurse are also always posted outside of Health Services, which reflects any changes in scheduling.

Please remember if you are not feeling well, please reach out to Health Services as soon as symptoms start by pressing the Health Services card in the Livesafe app, or by calling the office at 434-791-5718 or the health triage line at 434-203-3781.

Interested in Football Games from the President’s Suite?

Football season is almost upon us! There will be limited space available in the President’s Suite this year for home football games, but we hope to have an opportunity to invite members of our faculty and staff. If you have interest in coming to the President’s Suite for one of the home games listed below, please respond to [email protected] and list the games for which you are available. We hope to enjoy the opportunity for fellowship with as many as possible, and encourage you to respond as soon as possible.

Saturday, Sept. 3, 6 p.m. – Apprentice School
Saturday, Sept. 17, 6 p.m. – Brevard College
Saturday, Oct. 29, 1 p.m. – Shenandoah University
Saturday, Nov. 5, 1 p.m. – Guilford College

Travel is Back!

The Annual Averett Study Abroad Fair will be held on-campus Tuesday, Sept. 13, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Student Center Multipurpose Room. Faculty and staff, spread the word to students and stop by yourself! Learn how to apply for a passport, maximize financial aid and scholarship opportunities, and realize the career benefits of an abroad experience! Study abroad alumni, international program providers and study abroad advisors will be available to answer questions. Don’t miss the raffle prizes and goody bags! Register for updates and raffles drawings. Browse our new website!


A Reminder About NetFacilities

Averett University Director of Facilities/Chief of Campus Safety and Security Bruce Devlin and HES Facilities reminds everyone to use NETfacilities to report anything that requires repair or replacement. Work orders let the facilities team know there is something that needs attention – otherwise it could go unnoticed. If you see something, say something with a work order.

In the event of an emergency – a fallen tree on a building, flood, structural damage where lives are in danger – please call Bruce Devlin at 609-947-6124 or Bren Taylor at 434-215-9037.

Please note, a power outage is not an emergency situation.

Miss the Headshot Booth at Opening?

Did you miss getting your headshot at the opening celebration? Stop by and see Marketing and Communications Specialist Matt Bell anytime to get yours in Main 206. For questions, email Matt.



Tuition Remission Forms

If you are planning to register for classes under the tuition remission benefit, make sure to complete the tuition remission form found here. They are due by the add/drop date. Questions? Contact Human Resources Director Kathie Tune by email.

Last day to register for the Step Challenge!

Hello all, here’s your Wellness Wednesday updates!

Today is the last day to register for the step challenge! If you are interested in participating in this challenge, visit this link to register for the wellness portal and sign up for the team invitational step challenge.

Reminder: The American Heart Association recommends people get at least 10,000 steps in a day. This challenge is a great way to pave the foundation of making 10,000 steps a day a regular activity (and earn some wellness points too).
