Averett CoffeeBreak 9-21-22

Posted on September 21st, 2022 by Matt Bell

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this form. For the next CoffeeBreak, please submit by Friday, Sept. 23, for a Wednesday, Sept. 28, publication.

Facilities Updates

HES Facilities recently welcomed Alexandria Harrell as their new facilities operations manager. Harrell moved from Residence Life and filled the position previously held by Bren Taylor, who is now HES’s director of custodial. Please note, Harrell’s email address is now [email protected], and phone number 434-791-5790. Taylor can be reached at [email protected].



Professors Complete Global EDI Certificate Program

Dr. Catherine Clark and Dr. Jennifer Hughes in Averett’s Language, Literature and Culture Department completed a nine-week seminar program over the summer to receive certification in Global Education Diversity & Inclusion.

The certificate program, facilitated by Diversity Abroad, serves both organizational and individual goals by developing skills to strengthen diversity and inclusion policies, procedures and practices.

Clark, director of Study Abroad, and Hughes, newly directing the honors program, hope to better support Averett in developing, implementing and improving diversity, equity and inclusion programming for the community.

Using Your Engaged Employer Hours

Check out how Tina Younger used her service hours to encourage voter registration.

“Community service is what I love doing. Advocating for voting rights and protections are important to me. But why should we vote? Glad you asked! Because our lives are affected daily by the government on every level, local, state and federal. Voting is important! As a public servant you must have a passion for your community by helping to eliminate voting barriers and be a resource for all citizens who want to exercise their right to vote. The younger generation keeps me motivated with their willingness to learn and be active in their communities by reaching out to their peers and educating them on the importance voting makes in bringing change.

Many of our younger generation are far removed from the Civil Rights Era 1965 or the Women Suffrage Movement which resulted in the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, finally allowing women the right to vote. It is our job to teach our young, middle and old adults about the importance of voting and make sure they never forget how America got to this place in time. During the month of September, I will be speaking before the Voter Registrar’s officers and their board to advocate for Sunday voting in the local community.

Like many traditions, Sunday voting “Souls to the polls” is used to give every citizen the opportunity to access voting following morning services, this initiative encourages those who are able to get out and vote early, to do so, alleviating the wait in long election lines. I encourage all citizens to participate! If you are on campus and you are a U.S. Citizen 17 years old, you can register to vote in the state of Virginia as long as you turn 18 by November 8. Below is the link to access the residency requirements for voter registration and special absentee privileges for certain students, https://www.elections.virginia.gov/registration/college-student-info/ ….

Let me leave you with this, YOUR VOTE MATTERS! ENOUGH SAID!”

For more information on how you can use your Engaged Employer Service Hours, please contact Tia Yancey at [email protected] .

Vehicle Safety Alert Update

As was shared over the weekend, two vehicle thefts took place near Main Campus this weekend, as well as multiple vehicle entries with personal belongings taken. As was shared over the weekend, two vehicle thefts took place near Main Campus this weekend, as well as multiple vehicle entries with personal belongings taken.

Danville Police have made multiple arrests in connection to these incidents. Read the full news release by clicking here.

As a reminder, the following are steps you can take to stay vigilant and keep your vehicle and belongings safe:

  • Do not leave your valuables in open view in your vehicle, and keep your doors locked at all times.
  • Do not walk by yourself in the evenings or nights. Always walk with a friend, regardless if you are on or off campus. If you feel uncomfortable walking to your room, car or anywhere on campus, please contact Averett Security for an officer escort via the LiveSafe app or by calling (434) 791-5888.
  • Additionally, all students, faculty and staff are encouraged to download and utilize the LiveSafe app to report tips, receive notifications and use its safety features, as well as monitor all University safety updates via LiveSafe email, text and app notifications.
  • Ultimately, safety is each of our responsibilities. If you see anything strange or suspicious, contact Campus Security any time at (434) 791-5888. Please save this number to your phone for easy access. As always, in cases of emergencies, call 911 first.

Thank you for your cooperation in helping keep our campuses safe for all.

Construction Work Zone Safety

Students, faculty and staff are reminded to be cautious around the Student Center while work is in progress. The sidewalk near the third floor entryway is currently roped off and should be avoided while work continues on the fourth floor.


Senior Pinning this Week

Senior Pinning will be on Thursday, Sept. 22, at 4 p.m. at Pritchett Auditorium with a reception to follow at the President’s home.

Please save the date and plan to attend if a student names you as their pinner.

If you have any questions, email [email protected].


Banned Books Week

Blount Library is celebrating Banned Books Week – an annual event that brings together students, teachers, librarians and readers of all types to celebrate the freedom to read and highlights the value of free and open access to information. Come to the library to see our banned books display and let us know your favorite banned books!

Library Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Bookstore Hours

The Schoolfield Booksellers will be closed Saturday, Sept. 24.





Harvest Pack Service Project

Join us on Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Carrington Recreation Center to support food local food programs.

All proceeds will be donated to God’s Storehouse the local food panty in the Dan River Region.

For more information please contact Tia Yancey at [email protected].



Start-Up SLAM

Share your Creative Business Idea

The Start-Up Slam is all about bringing creative business minds together, sharing ideas, hearing ideas, enjoying a meal, making connections, having fun… and at the end of the night, rewarding the crowd-favorite idea with the entire ticket proceeds, no strings attached! The more attendees, the greater the reward!

This event will be on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 6 p.m. at the River District Event Center (136 S Ridge Street).

All are welcome. It is $10/person (cash only, under 5 free) so we may provide the prize on the spot at the end. Registration is required and limited to 100 people. To RSVP call the RDA at 434-791-0210 or email by clicking here. Food will be provided.

Folks who are interested in presenting an idea will be able to put their name in at the door (up to 15 participants) and have three minutes to present their business idea at their turn. Ideas need to be for NEW businesses (not yet established). No experience or business plans required! Folks may also attend just to be in the audience and listen.

Arts@Averett: “The Play That Goes Wrong”

The play is a show within a show. A theatre company is presenting a murder mystery where things are quickly going from bad to utterly disastrous. The play has everything you never want in a show and more such as an unconscious leading lady, a corpse that can’t play dead and actors that trip over everything (including their lines). Click here for ticket information.






CROP Hunger Walk to End Hunger – Join the Averett Team

The annual CROP Hunger Walk is happening soon on Sunday, Oct. 2, at 3 p.m. in Ballou Park near Averett’s Main Campus. Averett’s CCECC plans to be a financial sponsor for the event and would like to invite you to take part in the walk to end hunger in the Dan River Region.

You have the option to walk a three-mile course or a 1 mile course, depending on your level of comfort. Since 2008, we have raised over $223,000 to fight hunger. Please help us continue this success.

If you would like to join the Averett team through the CCECC, please complete the following form before Wednesday, Sept. 14, so we can get the appropriate t-shirt sizes to the walk committee.

When you register, we’ll send you a confirmation with a social media post you can share on your accounts to boost the word about the walk.

Professional Development Series Returns Soon

You don’t want to miss the first event of the 2022-2023 Professional Development series.

The CCECC, Staff Council, DEI Taskforce and Averett University Human Resources have partnered to host a Safe Zone Training on Thursday, Oct. 13, at 11 a.m. in the MPR.

Please see the attached flyer for more information. Lunch will be provided by the CCECC for all attendees, so please make sure you register for this event! All faculty, staff and students are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Staff Council, [email protected].

Interested in Football Games from the President’s Suite?

Football season is upon us! There will be limited space available in the President’s Suite this year for home football games, but we hope to have an opportunity to invite members of our faculty and staff. If you have interest in coming to the President’s Suite for one of the home games listed below, please respond to [email protected] and list the games for which you are available. We hope to enjoy the opportunity for fellowship with as many as possible, and encourage you to respond as soon as possible.

Saturday, Oct. 29, 1 p.m. – Shenandoah University
Saturday, Nov. 5, 1 p.m. – Guilford College

Sterling Lighting Construction

This week, Sterling Lighting is going to begin installing exterior lighting in Jordan Commons and the Student Center. More updates will be provided soon.

During the summer, Sterling Lighting held a conference on campus that included an exterior lighting competition on campus. Read about their time on campus here.

Be aware that there may be closures to Jordan Commons and roped off areas while the work is underway.

An Averett University Retirement Plan Communique Coming to your Email Soon!

An important message from Jordan Smith at Millennium Advisory Services (MAS):

If you still have money in the old Averett TIAA plan, you will be receiving an email from Millennium as a reminder that you can still choose to move that money into the current investment plan. Moving your money from the old legacy investment options to the current MEP contract is an individual participant choice, and Millennium is a resource to help determine if that is the right decision for you. If you have questions about your account or the option to move your money, you can schedule an appointment with an advisor using the scheduling link in the email you receive from Millennium.

COVID-19 Booster Opportunity Coming Soon

Did you know that we are still losing 400 Americans a day to Covid? Covid-19 remains the third leading cause of death in America. (Source: NVSS Vital Statistics Rapid Release)

The majority of these deaths continue to be among unvaccinated individuals. Unvaccinated people have 14 times the risk of dying compared to those with two boosters. (CDC)

Even though it may seem that Covid is not still happening, it is and we continue to lose an unacceptable amount of Americans as a result of SARS-CoV-2.

We are excited to share that we will be having a Bivalent Covid booster clinic on campus Wednesday, Sept. 28, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Click the poster at left for information and how to register.

There are a limited amount of doses so if you want to get your booster on campus please register ASAP.

Here are some important things to know:

  • This is the booster that is designed to target and protect against the current BA.4 and BA.5 variants, getting our campus population boosted will bring us community protection again.
  • This is a Booster clinic only, you must have the primary series which is 2 vaccines of the Moderna or Pfizer or 1 dose of the J&J.
  • The Moderna booster is for ages 18 years and older, so if you are 17, please register for the Pfizer.
  • Please only register for the vaccine that you choose to receive.
  • There are studies that show that for Men below the age of 30 have a higher risk for Myocarditis after receiving the MRNA vaccines. The Pfizer vaccine has a lower risk of Myocarditis due to having less of the RNA, if you are male under 30 years old, the Pfizer booster may be the better choice for you.
  • CDC says that you can receive your booster immediately following recovery of symptoms, however studies are showing that it may be beneficial for a longer term benefit to wait 60 days after a Covid infection.
  • You can get either vaccine as a booster, it doesn’t matter what vaccines you have had in the past.
  • The VDH also continues to offer both Boosters at their Chatham and Danville locations.
    • Chatham VDH is located at 200 H.G Mcghee Drive, Chatham Va. 24531
    • Danville VDH is located at 326 Taylor Drive, Danville Va. 24541
    • Both offer the boosters on Tuesdays, the Moderna vaccine from 9-11 a.m. and the Pfizer vaccine from 1-3 p.m.
    • Appointments for these locations can be made by going to vaccines.gov or vase.vdh.virginia.gov.

Flu Season Update

Look for more information soon for a flu vaccine clinic on Friday, Oct. 21, from noon-2 p.m.



Stepping Updates (and More)!


Greetings everyone!

Steppers, great job on being one of the top competitors so far in our step challenge. A special shout out to Kristi Phillips for being one of our top steppers thus far, way to go Kristi!

Did you know?

You can earn points in the Averett Wellness Portal by completing any of the daily habit plans. Some of these plans can be help develop healthy habits along the way as well. Some plans consist of asthma management, back health, balancing your diet, keeping stress in check and how to maintain work life balance. Get the WebMd app (Wellness At Your Side) to check out all of the health and wellness information, activities, challenges and on it goes. The portal will also send you notifications (if you allow) to help keep you on track with the daily plans so you can get those points!

Make the day yours!

Questions, connect with me at [email protected]

Until next time,

– Victor
