Averett Health & Wellness Center’s Red Flag Campaign Creating Awareness of “Red Flags” in Relationships

Posted on February 22nd, 2017 by Danielle Staub

Red Flag CampaignThroughout the month of February, the Health & Wellness Center at Averett University has been engaging the campus community in a public awareness campaign addressing dating violence on college campuses nationwide, “The Red Flag Campaign.” Designed with a “bystander intervention” strategy, the national campaign encourages friends and other campus community members to “say something” when they see warning signs (“red flags”) for dating violence in a friend’s relationship.

Red flags and posters on display throughout Averett’s main campus reflect one of the following themes: coercion, emotional abuse, sexual assault, victim-blaming, excessive jealousy, isolation and stalking. An example of a helpful peer response is also provided on each poster.

“One of students’ greatest interests on campus is seeking out relationships with their peers—both friendships and dating relationships. Unfortunately, we also know that many relationships are not healthy or positive; dating violence happens in one out of every five intimate relationships in college,” director of health & wellness and Title IX coordinator, Jill Adams, said.

On Thursday, Feb. 23, the Health & Wellness center is asking everyone on campus to wear red to show their support of the campaign. A group will be outside the Student Center on the lawn taking photos for social media from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The campaign will finish out the month on Tuesday, Feb. 28, with Ladies Night in the Health & Wellness Center. All women are welcome at the 7 p.m. event. They will be discussing body image and snacks will be provided.
