Averett Modern Languages Department Welcomes Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant

Posted on June 24th, 2015 by Travis Dix

fulbright_fltaAverett University’s Department of Modern Languages is excited to welcome its second Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant for the 2015-16 academic year. Mr. Jawad Essakri of Lyon, France, carries a Masters in Political Science from Paris 1 Sorbonne and from Moscow State University. He has taught French as a second language in Australia and looks forward to living in the U.S.

Mr. Essakri will tutor French students, teach and take classes, and conduct regular conversation groups open to all members of the Averett University with at least a basic knowledge of French. In addition to his work with Averett students, he will offer two presentations (topics TBD) to the University and local community.
