Averett Music Professor to Represent Virginia Band Directors in 2022 Rose Parade

Posted on December 16th, 2021 by Matt Bell

Averett University Assistant Professor of Music Janet Phillips will represent Virginia in the 2022 Rose Parade as part of a 300-piece band for the Rose Parade Band Directors Salute on Jan. 1, 2022.

She called the invitation an opportunity of a lifetime.

“I was really excited and surprised to learn I was selected. Never did the thought of me marching for the first time since 1986 cross my mind, much less in Pasadena, California,” Phillips said.

Phillips looks forward to marching and playing the piccolo. The band will also accompany a float honoring band directors across the nation.

“The point of this is to salute and raise attention for band directors,” Phillips said. “I also hope to bring positive attention to Averett and our band program.”

In August 2015, Phillips started the Averett University Band from scratch, and the program has been under her leadership ever since.

The Rose Parade is a traditional New Year’s Day event in Pasadena. According to their website, the 5.5-mile procession consists of floral-decorated floats, bands, equestrian groups and others from across the country. The parade precedes the annual Rose Bowl football game.

Phillips noted she first learned about the opportunity through the College Band Directors National Association, of which she is a member.

There are no practices scheduled until everyone flies into Pasadena on December 29, just three days before the parade, but Phillips anticipates receiving the sheet music before then.

“We will have daily practices to learn the music and movements as a group. I don’t know what we will play yet,” Phillips said.

While in Pasadena, Phillips said there will be time to perform and interact outside of the parade with the other band participants. Everyone will also have an opportunity to tour a factory that creates parade floats. She will also receive a commemorative jacket to keep and wear during the parade.
