Averett Student Named “Volunteer of the Year” for Work in the Danville Community

Posted on December 8th, 2016 by Danielle Staub

Student Volunteer of the yearThe Dan River Nonprofit Network recently awarded Averett University student Erica Skiddle the “Volunteer of the Year” Committee Award. Skiddle was nominated by the Center for Community Engagement and Career Competitiveness at Averett.

“Volunteering is important to me because I love being able to make a difference. Nothing compares to seeing the difference you can make,” Skiddle said. “And also in the community, I feel like it is important to help each other out and do what we can for one another.”

The award honors local volunteers throughout Danville, Pittsylvania and Caswell County for their service to the citizens and nonprofits. Skiddle was one of 11 nominees in the community who “embody the spirit of volunteerism and who give back to their community through their time and efforts.”

“We identify trends of concern to local nonprofits, share proven practices, as well as support implementation of those techniques that in turn benefit the nonprofits and the clients they serve,” said Evelyn Riley, executive director of the Dan River Nonprofit Network. “The Network provides opportunities for professional networking, increased funding prospects, collaborative resources, and provides a home for regional nonprofits to converse and learn from each other in order to raise the region’s profile.”

Riley says that it’s the selfless efforts of these 11 nominees and nonprofits they work with that “shape a better tomorrow for the Dan River Region.”

Toyota Scion donated $1000 to go to an organization of the award recipient’s choosing. Skiddle chose the Danville Area Humane Society.

“I knew I wanted the money to go to somewhere that can really benefit from it. I’ve always been a big SkiddleVolOfTheYearanimal person. I just wanted to help the most I can,” said Skiddle.

On top of being a student and a cheerleader at Averett, Skiddle volunteers at every event she can.

“Whenever we need volunteers or help with a project, Erica is the first one to step up to lead. Not only that, she is passionate about what she does and encourages others to join her,” said Rachel Covington, assistant director of community engagement at the CCECC.

“Others should volunteer because we all can help make a difference,” said Skiddle. “No matter what it is you volunteer with, it makes a difference.”
