Averett University among 35 Educator Preparation Programs Recently Recognized for National Excellence

Posted on June 21st, 2022 by Matt Bell

The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) announced recently that Averett University’s Department of Education is one of 35 providers from 22 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico from its spring 2022 review to receive accreditation for their educator preparation programs (EPPs). These 35 additions bring the total to 471 providers approved under CAEP.

CAEP’s Accreditation Standards – rigorous, nationally recognized standards that were developed to ensure excellence in educator preparation programs – were recently updated with changes reflecting commitment to equity and diversity and an emphasis on the importance of technology in preparing future educators. To earn accreditation, Averett’s programs had to demonstrate solid evidence that graduates are competent and caring educators, and that its faculty have the capacity to create a culture of evidence and use it to maintain and enhance the quality of the professional programs offered. Averett exceled in every standard with no areas for improvement noted in the report.

“The Education Department is ecstatic to have received accreditation from CAEP through the spring of 2029. As we continue to train the next generation of educators for preschool up through twelfth grade, this accreditation ensures our graduates that they have a solid backing for their degrees,” said Dr. Nancy Riddell, chair and professor of Averett’s Education Department. “CAEP accreditation is recognized nationally and internationally. Students coming from an international market or from any state will know and recognize this accreditation.”

Averett’s Education Department offers a traditional baccalaureate education program with preparation for initial licensure in nine areas. In addition, 13 graduate-level master’s and endorsement programs are offered through Averett Online. Averett’s teacher education program consistently places 100 percent of its graduates in teaching positions.

“This seal of approval from CAEP is a testament to the quality training and real-life workplace experiences Averett’s education students get through our variety of teacher preparation programs,” said Averett President Dr. Tiffany M. Franks. “We are proud of this University’s longstanding tradition of filling the critical need for dedicated educators throughout our region and beyond, and thrilled that this distinctive accreditation recognizes the high standards of Averett’s programs.”

Prior to CAEP accreditation, Averett’s Education programs were accredited by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). VDOE continues to approve licensure and endorsement programs across the Commonwealth. However, VDOE has deferred the accreditation responsibilities, and, based on Virginia’s 2016 signed partnership agreement, CAEP is now the unified national accrediting organization for educator preparation.

“These institutions meet high standards so that their students receive an education that prepares them to succeed in a diverse range of classrooms after they graduate,” said CAEP President Dr. Christopher A. Koch. “Seeking CAEP Accreditation is a significant commitment on the part of an educator preparation provider.”
