Averett University and LifeSpire Sign Partnership Agreement

Posted on June 7th, 2019 by Cassie Jones

Averett University and LifeSpire of Virginia today launched the first-ever educational partnership for LifeSpire.

Averett President Dr. Tiffany M. Franks and LifeSpire of Virginia’s CEO Jonathan Cook signed an agreement that includes a three-pronged partnership between the school and LifeSpire’s continuing care retirement communities.

The partnership allows employees of LifeSpire to earn their degree at Averett with scholarships awarded by Averett, LifeSpire residents to attend college-level lectures right where they live and Averett students to serve as interns at LifeSpire.

“LifeSpire and Averett University both value and encourage lifelong learning, a commitment to intellectual growth throughout one’s entire lifetime,” said Franks. “We hope that LifeSpire employees and its residents will be excited about the opportunity to become a part of the Averett University family. This wonderful partnership builds upon our shared mission and values as members of the Baptist General Association of Virginia.”

LifeSpire employees automatically will qualify for Averett scholarships once they meet admissions criteria. For each undergraduate course taken, Averett will award a $250 scholarship and a $350 scholarship.

In addition, Averett will offer residents of LifeSpire communities the option of attending Averett University lectures and courses at home – right in their own  community – beginning at Lakewood, LifeSpire’s campus  in Richmond’s west end, and expanding to LifeSpire’s other  communities in Culpeper, Daleville, and Newport News. The program will launch in the Fall of 2019 and LifeSpire residents will be able to choose from classes in religion, communications and criminal justice/sociology.

Averett students also will benefit directly from this partnership, with exciting opportunities to intern at LifeSpire in the areas of business, communications and accounting.

“We are excited to partner with Averett to offer these opportunities,” Cook said. “We want to do all we can to promote personal and professional growth among our residents and staff. This partnership helps us achieve that vision.”
