Averett University Teams Up With United States Marine Corps

Posted on March 23rd, 2015 by Travis Dix

Averett University has finalized a partnership with the United States Marine Corps that will bring officer training, special lectures and veteran research funding to the school, administrators announced Friday at Danville Regional Airport.

“Students who are accepted into the program will continue their academic career at the university and take part in training exercises during the summer months,” said Dean of Student Success Mary Vanderlinden. “Once graduated, the student will then be commissioned as an officer.”

The program, which has been in the works for more than two years, is similar to an ROTC program. The summer training makes the program unique, Vanderlinden said.

During the school year, Marine representatives also will hold leadership programs and speaking events on campus. The military branch will participate in the school’s annual Aviation/Criminal Justice Day in the spring.

Finally, the Marine Corps is funding veteran research with Averett, Vanderlinden said.

“The ultimate goal of this research to identify barriers that prevent veterans in continuing their college careers and developing means by which veterans can achieve academically,” Vanderlinden said.

Averett was recently recognized as a Military Friendly School by Victory Media, which has ranked the school in the top 20 percent of all colleges, universities and trade schools nationwide that are working with veterans.
