Averett CoffeeBreak 10-31-18

Posted on October 31st, 2018 by Danielle Staub

CoffeeBreak is an e-newsletter distributed to Averett faculty and staff to keep them up-to-date on campus activities and information. Please send information you would like included in CoffeeBreak via this formPlease submit by Friday, Nov. 2, for a Wednesday, Nov. 7, publication.

The Halloween Staff Meeting is TODAY!

The October staff meeting and Halloween costume contest will take place TODAY, Oct. 31, at 11:15 a.m., in the back café. (A location change due to Tropical Storm Michael classroom changes.)

This year, when you come to the meeting in the back café in your costumes, you will be given a number. (Either group 1,2,3 or individual 1,2, 3 ….etc.) After department announcements, we will vote on best costume, group and individual. You will cast your votes before we go eat lunch.

We plan on having a “parade” through the café before you get in line for lunch. Once everyone sits down with food and the votes are counted, we will announce the winners.

FYI: If you are not dressing up for Halloween, you can still come to the staff meeting. We want you there!

Lunch on the Lawn

All faculty, staff and students,

Please join the Board of Trustees and campus community for “Lunch on the Lawn” of Main Hall tomorrow, Nov. 1. Festivities will begin at 11:30 a.m. with lunch being served at approximately 11:45 a.m.

Please note that the dining hall will be closed for lunch tomorrow, Nov. 1. In the event of rain, this event will be held in the Student Center.

Story Time for the Averett Community

Bring the kids and join the English and education students (Literature for Children class) for there last story time on Friday, Nov. 2, from 2-2:30 p.m. on the 3rd floor of the Blount Library.

The students will lead a story time for children of Averett faculty, staff and students. Contact Dr. Catherine Clark with questions at [email protected].

Get your Tickets for the Harlem Globetrotters

The world famous Harlem Globetrotters will be performing at the Grant Center on Averett’s North Campus on this Friday, Nov. 2, at 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at North Campus front office or by clicking here.

VACUHO RA Conference

The VACUHO RA Conference is a statewide conference that is facilitated annually by a Virginia host college/institution. The focus of the conference is to have resident assistants from across the state network and partake in engaging student/professional led sessions.

It is Averett’s Office of Housing and Residence Life’s honor to be the hosts of this years VACUHO 2018 RA Conference. Attendees will start arriving on campus on Friday, Nov. 2, at 5 p.m. For the full schedule of events: click here.

More than 170 student leaders have registered to attended from institutions such as George Mason University, University of Virginia, James Madison University and Sweet Briar College. The list goes on with more than 20 universities and colleges planning to attend the conference! Overall, we hope that the resident assistants learn a lot about the field of higher education and more importantly take back skills that will enable them to be catalysts for change!

The Little Theatre of Danville Presents: “Bell, Book, and Candle”

Support your co-workers! Liz Cervantes, student success coach for GPS, is in The Little Theatre of Danville performance, “Bell, Book and Candle” – a comedy about a family in NYC that isn’t quite like all the others. Known as a precursor inspiration to the show “Bewitched,” though it is not the same characters or plot. Set in the 1950s on Christmas Eve where an unsuspecting man enters the apartment of his land lady, and leaving is harder than he could have ever imagined.

Laugh with us for this show on Friday, Nov. 2, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 4, at 2:30 p.m. at the Danville Museum of History and Fine Arts.

Tickets are $15.00 and are available on by clicking here, Karen’s Hallmark or Danville Musuem.

Military Appreciation Day

Join us in celebrating Military Appreciation Day at our home football game, Saturday, Nov. 3, at 5 p.m.  All retired and current military personnel will receive free admission to this game!

T.R.U.T.H. Talks

The CCECC and Student Life are sponsoring a new monthly convocation series called TRUTH Talks, and we would love for you to attend and voice your praises and concerns about diversity and inclusion at Averett.

TRUTH Talks: Transformative Rational Understanding through Honest Talk are moderated discussions with a panel format that allows for students, faculty and staff to voice opinions and be heard in a fair, safe and respectful environment.

Join us on Monday, Nov. 5, from 6-8 p.m. in Blount Chapel. Light refreshments will available. Videotaped and live-streamed anonymous, interactive technology allows for live questions during the event. The moderators will be Dr. Billy Wooten and Dean Lesley Villarose. Other panelists include: Marc Muneal (faculty), Tia Yancey (staff), Devin Merrit (student), a P.C. member, and a GPS student.

First Topic of Conversation is how do we define/frame our campus culture at Averett University, particularly around issues of diversity (race, class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc.). In what ways do we excel by promoting and celebrating diversity and living up to our mission? What challenges do we face, and how can we improve our commitment to diversity?

Expected Outcomes
•       Identity topics for continued TRUTH talks and democratic dialogues
•       Identify areas of excellence around diversity
•       Identify areas for improvement and possible training for the Averett community
•       Empower student organizations to have more dialogues and educational programs
•       Identify barriers to reporting bias on campus

Averett’s Thanksgiving Dinner

Bon Appétit Management Company will prepare a special meal on Wednesday, Nov. 7, to honor the traditions of the Thanksgiving holiday. The menu will feature carved turkey with all the trimmings, a seasonal salad bar, traditional desserts and other holiday favorites.

This event will have special pricing. All taxes included: adults, $8.75; children 6-12 years of age, $6.60; children five and under, no charge; $3.19 surcharge for faculty and staff with meal plans.

VTAG Campaign

Every Virginia resident student receives $3,270 in the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (VTAG) to attend Averett University. In order to keep these funds available for students and potentially increase the award, we need your help! Please take 5 minutes of your time to write an electronic “Thank you for VTAG” note to your legislative body. It is important for our leaders to know how important this grant is for our students and families.

  1. Please go click here.
  2. Put in your correct address
  3. Once your address and local officials are input – click the “Take Action” button toward the top. This will lead you to the page you can write in (in 2 boxes now) to your specific legislators and tell them how much we need VTAG. Make sure when you finish, at the bottom, under College Affiliation to put: Averett University.

You may also stop by the cafeteria and fill out your letter during lunch in the coming week with Admissions/Financial Aid.

Thank You for COFEE

A HUGE THANK YOU to EVERYONE that participated in making the Conference on Freshman Engagement and Empowerment (COFEE) a success!





GPS Student Spotlight

alice bond photoMeet Alice Bond, a student pursuing her Master of Business Administration degree who is expected to graduate in end of 2018. To learn more about Alice on this GPS blog, click here.

What is your motivation for obtaining your degree here at Averett University?  

“I have always thought about going back to school to get a master’s degree, but it was never the right time while our boys were younger and then in college. When my youngest son graduated from college, I decided that it was time for me to pursue my goals of going back to school and earning an MBA so that I could gain new job opportunities for myself.”
