CCECC at Averett University Receives Continuation Grant, Unveils Strategic Plan at Annual ‘Day to Engage’

Posted on October 21st, 2019 by Cassie Jones

The Center for Community Engagement and Career Competitiveness (CCECC) at Averett University has been granted a continuation award from the Danville Regional Foundation (DRF) to carry on its work with the region’s institutions of higher education and community members for another five years. With a refined mission and enhanced brand, the CCECC unveiled its strategic plan, “Points of Light,” to address the Dan River Region’s most pressing needs in the areas of economic opportunity, youth and education, and civil and human rights.

The CCECC was established in 2014 on Averett’s campus as the hub for community engagement, service-learning and career competitiveness initiatives at Averett, Danville Community College (DCC) and Piedmont Community College (PCC), and has led transformative impact on students and community partners in its first five years, to include:

  • 9,583 total volunteers;
  • 81,539 total volunteer hours;
  • 14,746 event participants;
  • $2,068,202 in volunteer financial impact on the Dan River Region.

“I want to express my immense gratitude to the Danville Regional Foundation for their renewed investment in this life-changing and community changing work that impacts all who live, work and play here,” said Averett President Dr. Tiffany M. Franks. “This continued financial commitment demonstrates DRF’s belief in the CCECC’s ability to impact systemic change in our region.”

Moving forward, the “Points of Light” five-year plan uses a collective impact model to streamline community partnerships and maximize the number of the region’s students, faculty and staff who are meaningfully involved in community development and empowerment projects in the Dan River Region.

“I am beyond excited that the CCECC at Averett University has been granted the funding to continue our programming for our students and our community partners,” said Dr. Billy Wooten, executive director of the CCECC at Averett. “We are uniquely situated to help transform our community by catalyzing students, faculty and staff to work alongside our neighbors on projects that we know make a difference. Over the next five years, we will work hard to strengthen our partnerships, enhance our programming and help our community be the best it possibly can be.”

Averett students, faculty and staff returned to the Westmoreland neighborhood this morning to complete a number of service projects, including repaving the basketball court, landscaping and rock-painting with the children at Head Start. Last year’s event was centered in the same neighborhood.
