From Here in Town to Across the Globe, Averett Alumni give back in “Day to Engage Around the World”

Posted on April 27th, 2017 by Danielle Staub

In an effort to increase volunteerism and service throughout the Averett family, Averett’s Alumni Office together with its Center for Community Engagement and Career Competitiveness (CCECC) organized a Day to Engage Around the World. Similar to Day to Engage – a full day where current students spend time giving back to their community and building relationships with the youth – the goal of Day to Engage Around the World was to get Averett alumni involved in their community and continue our culture of service here at Averett even after they have graduated and moved away.

Five different volunteer projects took place from Danville, Va. to Omura, Japan, on April 8, 2017. There were six different alumni and 25 other volunteers with them totaling 20 hours of alumni service that day.

“We are so proud that our alumni could participate in this program that has become an integral part of our student experience. Showing our community is not just Danville, but the entire world,” said Dan Hayes, director of alumni and friend development.

In Fairfax, Va., Kim Luckabaugh, ’91, volunteered to mentor middle school students at a leadership conference (FCCLA). Across the Commonwealth, in Hampton, Va., Ashley Wiggins, ’15, cleaned up her church’s yard for Easter Service. Down in Raleigh, N.C., Melanie Baiardo, ’95, pitched in to prepare the New Hope Community Garden for spring planting.

Even an alumna in Japan got involved. Cathy Garrott, ’68, volunteered to clean and re-cover an ironing matte in Omura for an elderly woman who uses it for calligraphy. She also cleaned her church and prepared a lunch meal there.

In Danville, 10-15 alumni, current students and volunteers prepared the Butterfly Garden at Danville Science Center for opening.

“This was the first year for this event and we were really happy with all of our alumni who stepped up to make a difference,” said Rachel Covington, assistant director for community engagement at the CCECC. “We encouraged them to use the hashtag, #auengagedalumni, when posting to social media so our current students could see why service is not just important while you’re in school, but throughout your whole life.”
