Students Receive More Than $180,000 in scholarships from Averett University

Posted on February 25th, 2020 by Matt Bell

Incoming and transfer students to Averett University participated in the annual Spring Scholarship Day on Saturday, Feb. 22, on Averett’s Main Campus.

During this event, Averett gave away $187,500 in scholarships to 125 students. In order to receive scholarship dollars, students had to be in attendance Saturday.

Sara Hodges, campus guest coordinator, said for the first time since Averett introduced Scholarship Day, an international student was in attendance.

“We had one student to participate in Scholarship Day from the Bahamas,” Hodges said.

Students who attended Scholarship Day received a $1,500 scholarship, which is renewable for four years. Of the 125 students, 45 have already confirmed they are attending Averett for the 2020-2021 academic year.

“It was a really good day. The families that attended were great, and we’ve gotten nothing but positive feedback from the students who visited this past weekend,” Hodges said.
