
Black Alumni Reunion

Averett University’s inaugural Black Alumni Reunion in April 2024 was an extraordinary success, bringing Black alumni together for an unforgettable day of connection and celebration. The overwhelming positive response has fueled great excitement as planning kicks into high gear for the Second Annual Black Alumni Reunion in 2025.

As dates, details and registration information are finalized, check back regularly for all the latest updates on the 2025 Black Alumni Reunion.

Read about the Inaugural Black Alumni Reunion here.

If you are interested in helping establish a Black Alumni Chapter at Averett University, click here to sign up. Your involvement strengthens the community!


Holiday Inn Express – 434-793-4000
Marriott Courtyard – 434-791-2661
Hampton Inn – 434-793-1111
Comfort Inn – 434-793-2000
Quality Inn – 434-333-7208
Sleep Inn – 434-793-6090
The Holbrook – 434-234-5040
The Bee – 434-234-9440